

字词 葛兰西


Antonio Gramsci


via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio_Gramsci


安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci,1891—937)是意大利共产主义思想家、意大利共产党创始者和领导人之一。葛兰西奠定了意大利马克思主义文艺理论的基础,他创立的“文化霸权”理论对后世也具有深远影响(via: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/安东尼奥·葛兰西)。葛兰西生于撒丁的阿莱斯的一个中下层阶级的家庭。1913年,葛兰西加入意大利社会党。1919年,葛兰西创办《新秩序》周刊,领导工人苏维埃运动。在1921年,葛兰西与阿马迪奥·博尔迪加为首的社会党左派联合组建了意大利共产党,并在此后担任意共要职。1923年,葛兰西在罗马创办《团结报》,反对墨索里尼的国家法西斯党。1926年,葛兰西为墨索里尼拘捕并判刑。从1929年获准在狱中写作时起,葛兰西写下32本《狱中札记》,完成了“文化霸权”理论的架构。葛兰西在1934年受到有条件的释放,但在1937年因脑溢血逝世于罗马(via: http://baike.sogou.com/v230477.htm)。葛兰西通过对意大利的统一、以及意大利知识分子的作用的分析,指出知识分子负责组织着信仰的网络以及制度和社会关系,拥有领导权。国家是用强制武装起来的领导权,即武力加同意,其中政治社会组织武力,市民社会提供同意(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5937969-6150901.html)。葛兰西还指出,应当把一种哲学体系放在历史条件下进行考察,应当把它跟它帮助各种社会力量形成的思想意识联系起来,而不能将其单纯地放在抽象的水平上进行批判,因为哲学正在成为一种物质力量。葛兰西认为,马克思主义作为一种实践的哲学,能够帮助越来越多的人民群众掌握专业化的、批判性的知识技能并具有一种统一的世界观,进而帮助群众成为历史的主人公(via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/1100241/1100241.html )。


[1] 安东尼奥·葛兰西.via: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/安东尼奥·葛兰西
[2] 安东尼奥·葛兰西.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v230477.htm
[3] 安东尼奥·葛兰西.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5937969-6150901.html
[4] 安东尼奥·葛兰西.via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/1100241/1100241.html


1. 我们将从拉克劳和墨菲的长期学术轨迹来分析关于《霸权与社会主义战略》的争论的背景,追溯他们对卢森堡、葛兰西、阿尔都塞和德里达等理论家所欠下的思想债务——他们在这木极为重要的著作发表前后的一系列著作已经表明了这一债务。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:20

1. The debate over Hegemony and Socialist Strategy will be contextualised within the longer-term career trajectories of Laclau and Mouffe, tracing their debt to such thinkers as Luxemburg, Gramsci, Althusser and Derrida, as expressed in a series of works both before and after that crucially significant volume. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 12.

2. 自葛兰西以来,霸权描述了资产阶级的资本主义社会形态如何能够更巧妙地宣传它的理想而不是使用武力来遏制革命反对派的发展。因此,在阿尔都塞的著作中,我们拥有了意识形态国家机器概念或文化机构(例如教育体系或媒体)概念——它们传递出公认的资产阶级行为模式,即那些旨在限制异议发展的行为模式。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:22

2. From Gramsci onwards, hegemony describes how a bourgeois capitalist social formation is able to curtail the build-up of revolutionary opposition by propagating its ideals in subtler ways than the use of armed force. Thus in the work of Althusser we have the concept of the Ideological State Apparatus, or the cultural institution (such as the educational system or the media) which passes on approved models of bourgeois behaviour- that is, those geared to restrict the growth of dissent. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13-14.

3. 即使葛兰西和阿尔都塞提出了一种更深刻的霸权理论,经典马克思主义还是会运用那种把偶然性视为虚假意识的观念。非常重要的是,无论是在葛兰西那里还是在阿尔都塞那里,对霸权概念的进一步阐述所寻求的仍然是理论的纯洁性。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:26

3. Classical Marxism will trade on that notion of contingency as false consciousness, even through the much more sophisticated theories of hegemony put forward by Gramsci and Althusser. Critically enough, in each of the latter two cases it is again the purity of the theory that is sought by the further elaboration of the concept of hegemony. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 16.


例句 1:
安东尼奥·葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci)是西方著名的马克思主义理论家和政治家,意大利共产党的主要创始人之一。——《葛兰西文化霸权理论及其当代价值研究》,广西师范大学硕士学位论文,2008
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), as one of the founders of Italian Communist Party, was a well-known Marxist theorist and political theorist in western countries.

例句 2:
“Gramsci hot” has arisen at home and abroad, Gramsci’s “The Philosophy of Praxis" became the key research. Chinese and foreign scholars from each of its emphasis has Profound elaboration, Gramsci’s “The Philosophy of Praxis” can be considered a relatively complete theoretical system, but it should be pointed out that many scholars study Gramsci’s “The Philosophy of Praxis” are not in this paper to study Gramsci’s “The Philosophy of Praxis”. 

例句 3:
Gramsci is one of the early representatives of western Marxism, he has a deep western culture background and a solid theoretical foundation of philosophy, combined with his own revolutionary experience of the revolution, and he analyzes the realistic situation and summarizes





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