

字词 巴塔耶


Georges Bataille


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 221.


乔治·巴塔耶(1897-1962),法国评论家、思想家、小说家。在巴黎的古文书学校毕业后,巴塔耶被任命为国家图书馆司书,这也是他的终身职业。作为尼采现代性批判思想继承者之一的巴塔耶,是后现代主义思想的集大成者。他对语言、情欲、性和生死问题的探索深刻地影响了福柯、德里达、鲍德里亚、罗兰·巴特及克里斯蒂娃等人,其“普遍经济”既是鲍德里亚的象征交换的起点,也是德里达延异思想的资源之一。巴塔耶的思想非常神秘和庞杂,我们可以用“色情”、“耗费”、“普遍经济”三个基本概念对其主要理论加以简单勾勒。巴塔耶“普遍经济”的主旨是对功利主义经济的批判,而他批判功利主义经济的立足点是资本主义工业社会。他认为,资产阶级古典经济学和黑格尔辩证法是功利主义经济的理论基础。为了探寻摆脱功利主义经济的可能性,巴塔耶深入批判了功利主义思维方式的核心——“谋划”观念,从而以“耗费”这一基本概念建构起“普遍经济”理论。(方丽,2005:43)他的主要作品包括理论著作《内在体验》(L'expérience intérieure,1943)、《冥想的方法》(Méthode de méditation,1947)、《受诅咒的部分》(La part maudite,1949)、《文学和邪恶》(La Littérature et le mal,1957)和《色情》(L'Erotisme,1957)。还有小说《眼睛的故事》(Histoire de l'oeil,1928)、《蓝天》(Le Bleu du ciel,1957)和《艾德沃妲夫人》(Madame Edwarda,1937)等。(乔治·巴塔耶.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=dymq33I6GbwLWVOQGurgAHw0wvnd7CKbjG6YQVwkJZ1YuIcxqV_RVLr9UCk2g9xNKUg9_w70u2tznxdlIzDXwn4bOUmksPiyrLY-ygPUAoAyARaaEHYZtb952cI0ujHw9VX_5YeHC2Ep445_E7xJKK#reference-[1]-1203115-wrap)


[1] 方丽.功利主义经济的哲学批判——解读巴塔耶“普遍经济”思想[J].江海学刊,2005(6).
[2] 乔治·巴塔耶.via:


1. 乔治·巴塔耶(Georges Bataille,1897-1962) 是法国现当代非常重要的一位思想家。我在《不可能的存在之真——拉康哲学映像》一书中,也已经涉及过巴塔耶的哲学思想。早在上世纪20年代中叶,巴塔耶就在与超现实主义的交往中以拥戴著名色情作家萨德思想的“低下”异质性而区别于那种超现实的精英主义。 ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:157-158

1. Georges Bataille (1879-1962) is a very important contemporary French thinker. (My book, The Impossible Truth of Being: Mirror of Lacan’s Philosophy, has already touched upon Bataille’s philosophical thought. As early as in the mid-1920s he had communicated with the surrealists, but Bataille kept off their elitism. He supported the “vulgar” heterogeneity of the famous pornographic writer Marquis de Sade. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 221.

2. 齐泽克的讨论是从现今在欧洲学术语境中仍处中心话语圈的哈贝马斯开始的。他故弄玄虚地说,在哈贝马斯那本专门讨论“后结构主义”的《现代性哲学话语》里,五次提到拉康,可这五次都是将拉康淹没在一串人名中间,他大量讨论巴塔耶和德里达,特别是将福科当作论点的主要对象。这是一个未被发现的理论阴谋。言下之意,拉康如此重要.可是哈贝马斯却不给拉康一种可能被正视的理论地位。齐泽克想让我们关注其中隐秘原因。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:337

2. Zizek’s discussion begins from Habermas, who is still in the center of European academic discourse. In a pretentious tone, he says that Habermas mentions Lacan five times on post-structuralism in his Philosophical Discourse of Modernity but Lacan’s name is among a string of other names, like Bataille, Derrida, etc., in particular, Foucault, who is also a focus of discussion. It is perhaps an undiscovered conspiracy, with the implication that despite Lacan’s importance, Habermas does not offer him his due status. Zizek wants us to perceive the secret reason behind it. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 438.

3. 巴塔耶认为牺牲经济学或象征交换拒斥政治经济学以及政治经济学批判,这种批判只是政治经济学的完成形式,正好将属于政治经济学的东西归还给它,因为劳动概念与政治经济学同体而生,不可能将它放到其他任何分析领域中。最重要的是,劳动概念不可能成为任何自称超越了政治经济学的科学的对象。”——《生产之镜》,2003:25

3. According to Bataille, “sacrificial economy or symbolic exchange is exclusive of political economy (and of its critique, which is only its completion). But this is just to render to political economy what belongs to it: the concept of labor is consubstantial with it and therefore cannot be switched to any other analytical field. Above all, it cannot become the object of a science that pretends to surpass political economy.” -Quoted from The Mirror of Production, 1975: 44.


例句 1:
Bataille’s general economics has made four shifts, namely from material wealth to live energy, from partial perspective to whole perspective, from the presupposition of scarcity to the fact of excess, and from general economy to general history.

例句 2:
Bataille’s thought on economic philosophy includes both the critical and rational dimensions. The former is embodied in the critiques of traditional western economics and capitalist economic system, and the later is implied in the theoretical construction of general economics, which leads to its own theoretical defects but offers some practical inspirations for socio-economic development.

例句 3:





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