

字词 公民基本道德规范


fundamental moral code/rules of citizens; fundamental ethics of citizens




我国公民基本道德规范(fundamental moral code/rules of citizens, fundamental ethics of citizens)主要包括爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献。“爱国守法”,强调公民应培养高尚的爱国主义精神,自觉地学法、懂法、用法、守法和护法;“明礼诚信”,强调公民应文明礼貌、诚实守信、诚恳待人;“团结友善”,强调公民之间应和睦友好、互相帮助、与人友善;“勤俭自强”,强调公民应努力工作、勤俭节约、积极进取;“敬业奉献”,强调公民应忠于职守、克己为公、服务社会(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5399658-5637195.html)。《纲要》将爱国守法列为20字公民基本道德规范的首要规范,有其深刻内涵和重要意义。“爱国”是最基本的道德标准,是公民遵守各种道德规范的前提和基础;守法是“爱国”规范的延伸。爱国必须守法,守法是爱国的重要表现和必然要求。“明礼”作为公民道德规范,包括两个方面的要求:从狭义上讲,“明礼”就是讲究起码的礼节、礼仪和礼貌、无论是在公共场,还是在职业场所和个人家庭生活中,行为举止都得体、适宜;从广义上讲,“明礼”就是讲文明,特别是注重公共场合中言谈举止的文明。“诚信”是对“明礼”规范的进一步深化和“升华”。团结友善作为公民基本道德规范,其基本内容是指在追求共同理想目标上,人民通过弘扬集体主义精神和团队精神,形成全民族,全社会的凝聚力。勤俭自强作为我国公民基本道德规范是对公民个人道德素质提出的要求。奉献社会自始至终体现在爱岗敬业等各种要求之中(via: http://d5x.klmyedu.cn/ktyj/flfg/Pages/公民基本道德规范635.aspx)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5399658-5637195.html
[2] via: http://d5x.klmyedu.cn/ktyj/flfg/Pages/公民基本道德规范635.aspx


1. 孟子(约前372-前289),名珂,字子舆,邹(今山东邹城东南)人。战国中期哲学家、思想家、教育家。他主张“天人合一”,提出人性本善的理论,将道德规范概括为仁、义、礼、智四德。继承和发展了孔子的“仁”和德治思想,提出“民贵君轻”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:185

1. Mencius (c. 372-289 BC), also known as Meng Ke and Ziyu, was a philosopher and educator in mid-Warring States Period (475-221 BC). He believed that “man is an integral part of Nature,” put forth a theory that man is born good, and summarized moral rules as four virtues: benevolence, justice, propriety and wisdom. He carried forward and developed the idea of benevolence and the rule of virtue propounded by Confucius, and raised a new idea that “the people are more important than the ruler.” -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 205.

2. 对历史文化特别是先人传承下来的价值理念和道德规范,要坚持古为今用、推陈出新,有鉴别地加以对待,有扬弃地予以继承,努力用中华民族创造的一切精神财富来以文化人、以文育人。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:164

2. With regard to values, perceptions and ethics handed down for generations, we should make the past serve the present, discard the dross and keep the essential, eliminate the false and retain the true, and put forth new ideas. That is to say, we should treat and inherit them with a critical approach, and cultivate and educate the people with the Chinese cultural legacy. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 182.


例句 1:
The second part is about the theory of a harmonious society, citizens’ basic ethics and ideology political pedagogy.

例句 2:
It is one part of citizen basic moral norms, one of the basic characteristics of a harmonious society, and also the inherent requirement of the socialistic core value system.

例句 3:
Development of the times to the present, integrity as a basic standard of citizens, since each person’s moral cultivation, also is the entire survival and development the cornerstone.





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