

字词 市场调节


market regulation; market readjustment


[1] 罗肇.资本主义大辞典[Z].人民出版社,1995:185.
[2] 市场调节.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%B8%82%E5%9C%BA%E8%B0%83%E8%8A%82
[3] 《21世纪汉英经济实用词典》编写组.21世纪汉英经济实用词典[Z].中国对外翻译出版公司,2005:966.
[4] The Deregulation of New Zealand Agriculture: Market Intervention (1964-84) and Free Market Readjustment (1984-90). via:  http://ageconsearch.tind.io//bitstream/32633/1/16010132.pdf




[1] 翟泰丰.党的基本路线知识全书[Z].辽宁人民出版社,1994.
[2] 余源培.邓小平理论辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2004.
[3] 市场调节.via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%B8%82%E5%9C%BA%E8%B0%83%E8%8A%82


1. 推动实现更高质量的就业。就业是民生之本。要贯彻劳动者自主就业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业和鼓励创业的方针,实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策。——《中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告》,2012

1. Deliver a better job in creating employment. Employment is crucial to the people's wellbeing. We must implement the principle of promoting self-reliant employment, market-regulated employment and government-backed employment and entrepreneurship, the strategy of giving top priority to employment and a proactive employment policy. -Quoted from Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2012.

2. 党的十一届三中全会以来,实行搞活经济的政策,效果显著。现在百货商店里的东西多得很“卖方市场”正在变成“买方市场”。群众把票子拿在手里,好的就买,不好的就不买。这么好的形势,很久以来没有见过。今后要继续实行搞活经济的政策,继续发挥市场调节的作用。但是,我们也要防止在搞活经济中,出现摆脱国家计划的倾向。搞活经济是在计划指导下搞活,不是离开计划的指导搞活。这就像鸟和笼子的关系一样,鸟不能捏在手里,捏在手里会死,要让它飞,但只能让它在笼子里飞。没有笼子,它就飞跑了。如果说鸟是搞活经济的话,那末,笼子就是国家计划。当然“笼子”大小要适当,该多大就多大。经济活动不一定限于一个省、一个地区,在国家计划指导下,也可以跨省跨地区,甚至不一定限于国内,也可以跨国跨洲。另外“笼子”本身也要经常调整,比如对五年计划进行修改。但无论如何,总得有个“笼子”。就是说,搞活经济、市场调节,这些只能在计划许可的范围以内发挥作用,不能脱离开计划的指导。——《陈云文选(第三卷)》,1995:320 

2. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we have followed the policy of invigorating the economy and have achieved striking results. There are plenty of consumer goods in department stores and the seller’s market is changing into a buyer’s market. With money in hand, people can now buy what they want to buy. We haven’t experienced such a good situation for a long time. We should continue to implement the policy of invigorating the economy and give play to the role of market forces. But, in our effort to invigorate the economy, we must guard against the tendency towards deviating from state plans. The relationship of the invigoration of the economy to state plans is just like that of a bird and its cage. We can not hold the bird in hand; if we do so, it will die. We must allow it to fly, but only in a cage. Without the cage, it will fly away. If we liken invigoration of the economy to a bird, then the cage corresponds to the state plans. Of course, the size of the cage should be appropriate for the bird. Although we follow state plans, we do not have to limit certain economic activities to one region or one province; these can be carried out in other regions, provinces, countries and continents. As we would often have to adjust the size of the cage to suit the bird, we have to continue reformulating our five-year plans. We have to utilize a cage, that is to say, both invigoration of the economy and allowance for regulation by market forces should play their role as prescribed by the state plan, and we must not deviate from the format of state plans. -Quoted from Selected Works of Chen Yun (Vol. 3), 1999: 315.

3. 坚持正确发挥政府和市场的作用,政府主要制定住房规划和政策,搞好土地合理供应、集约利用和管理,重点发展面向中低收入家庭的住房。高收入家庭的住房需求主要通过市场调节解决。——《2008年政府工作报告》,2008

3. We must ensure that the government and the market both play their due roles. The government's role is mainly to formulate plans and policies for housing and ensure that there is an appropriate supply of land, ensure that land is used intensively and oversee land use. Priority will be given to development of housing for low- and middle-income families. Demand for housing among high-income families will be met largely through the market. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2008.


例句 1:
It is necessary for government to intervene in the economy for the reason of market failure. But the basic position of market regulation determines the government intervention must be controlled in a reasonable limit. Since the system of market economy was cultivated and constructed in our country, the function of government intervention of economy has been transformed from undertaking the whole things into making the invisible hands play a role in the resource allocation.

例句 2:
The old industry structure theory put more stress on the industry policy and city function to establish the leading industries. But now, the research on the upgrade and optimization of industry structure must switch to the orbit on which the market adjusts the industry structure. The core of the government making up for the market failure lies on the transformation of administrative and economic functions of the government. It must consummate property rights, financial, population move,





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