

字词 帝国主义战争


imperialist war


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 275.


帝国主义战争是指帝国主义国家之间为瓜分世界、争夺霸权而进行的战争,是非正义的、掠夺性的战争。它对社会生产力起巨大的破坏作用,严重阻碍了社会的进步与发展,遭到无产阶级及全世界人民的谴责和反对。19世纪末20世纪初,资本主义发展到帝国主义阶段,整个世界已被资本主义列强分割完毕。由于资本主义经济、政治发展的不平衡性,资本主义各国之间的力量对比不断发生变化,发展速度较快的国家要求按实力重新瓜分殖民地、销售市场、原料产地和投资场所,从而使资本主义国家之间的矛盾达到极端尖锐的程度,爆发了帝国主义战争。列宁指出,资本主义从自由阶段发展到垄断阶段,帝国主义之间必然爆发战争,必然根据其实力来重新分割世界殖民地和地区霸权。1898年的美西战争,1904~1905年的日俄战争,以及1914~1918年的第一次世界大战,1939~1945年的第二次世界大战等,都是帝国主义国家重新瓜分世界所进行的战争。另外,“帝国主义战争”这一概念,有时还用来表示帝国主义国家一方对社会主义国家或其他主权国家所发动的侵略战争,如日本1937年大规模侵略中国的战争、美国1950年侵略朝鲜的战争和1961年侵略越南的战争等(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=8589_y1vYHsU2wO2jac6tJZXSSCpw_2toQuXLQrdAUCispBPmbSkY0mIR914E1_v0aSHB1Qq0HL2BVVQ9fCPLa)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=8589_y1vYHsU2wO2jac6tJZXSSCpw_2toQuXLQrdAUCispBPmbSkY0mIR914E1_v0aSHB1Qq0HL2BVVQ9fCPLa


1. 首先,民族战争再次成为可能的形势虽然不大可能,但是它也没有完全被排除。它的实现取决于帝国主义战争阶段向国内战争阶段过渡的速度。所以,把现在的帝国主义性质强调到绝对否定民族战争的可能性的程度,是错误的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:364

1. In the first place, a situation in which national wars once again become possible is not indeed likely but neither is it wholly out of the question. Its realization depends on the speed of the transition from the phase of imperialist war into the phase of civil war. So that it is wrong to universalize the imperialist character of the present to the point of denying absolutely that national wars are possible. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 275.

2. 在帝国主义战争末期和战后时期,在一切国家里,“领袖”和“群众”的分离表现得特别明显而突出。产生这种现象的基本原因,马克思和恩格斯在1852-1892年间曾以英国为例作过多次说明。英国的垄断地位使“群众”分化出一部分半市侩的机会主义的“工人贵族”。——《列宁全集(第三十九卷)》,1963:22

2. The divergence between “leaders” and “masses” was brought out with particular clarity and sharpness in all countries at the end of the imperialist war and following it. The principal reason for this was explained many times by Marx and Engels between the years 1852 and 1892, from the example of Britain. That country’s exclusive position led to the emergence, from the “masses”, of a semi-petty-bourgeois, opportunist “labour aristocracy”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 42.

3. 你们代表团的若干团员不是站在工人阶级的立场上,而是站在资产阶级、剥削阶级的立场上,这并不使我惊奇,因为在所有资本主义国家中,帝国主义战争完全暴露了一个经久未愈的脓疮:议会和工联中的工人领袖多数转到资产阶级方面去了。——《列宁全集(第三十九卷)》,1963:117

3. I was not surprised to find that several members of your delegation hold a standpoint, not of the working class but of the bourgeoisie, of the exploiting class: in all capitalist countries the imperialist war fully revealed an old ulcer, namely, the desertion of the majority of the workers’ parliamentary and trade union leaders to the side of the bourgeoisie. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 139.


例句 1:
Through seven years of imperialist war and civil war, the Russian people have been extremely tired physically and mentally, building their homes as their most pressing immediate problem.

例句 2:
“Global hegemony” is the content of imperialist politics and the next stage of imperialist politics is the imperialist war. Hence taking imperialist wars as “democratic wars” is depicting the aggressive essence of imperialism in bright color. 

例句 3:
Mao Zedong paid special attention to the political aim of war, analyzed the revolutionary war and the imperialist war and political purpose and revealed the war military objective, to explore the relationship between the military and political purpose of the war and the ultimate objective of war.





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