

字词 柏林会议


the Berlin Conference


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 33) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1973: 333.




[1] 张殿吉.外国历史大事典[Z].河北教育出版社,1990.
[2] 王觉非.欧洲历史大辞典(上)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2007.
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[4] 程玉海.论1922年三个国际柏林会议[J].当代世界与社会主义,2010(3).


1. 拉狄克、布哈林等同志所犯的错误并不大,这个错误所以不大,是因为我们所冒的风险大不了是苏维埃俄国的敌人在柏林会议结果的鼓舞下,对某些人进行两三次也许能得逞的暗杀。因为现在他们已经事先知道,他们可以枪杀共产党人,同时可以指望象柏林会议这样的会议阻止共产党人枪毙他们。——《列宁全集(第四十三卷)》,1987:137

1. The mistake that Comrades Radek, Bukharin and the others made is not a grave one, especially as our only risk is that the enemies of Soviet Russia may be encouraged by the result of the Berlin Conference to make two or three perhaps successful attempts on the lives of certain persons; for they know beforehand that they can shoot at Communists in the expectation that conferences like the Berlin Conference will hinder the Communists from shooting at them. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 33), 1973: 333.

2. 资产阶级通过他们的外交家又一次表明他们比共产国际的代表老练一些。这就是柏林会议的教训。我们不会忘记这个教训。我们要从这个教训中得出全部必要的结论。——《列宁全集(第四十三卷)》,1987:138

2. Once again, the bourgeoisie, in the persons of their diplomats, have outwitted the representatives of the Communist International. Such is the lesson of the Berlin Conference. We shall not forget this lesson. We shall draw all the necessary conclusions from it. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 33), 1973: 333-334.

3. 英国独立工党全国委员会、丹麦社会民主党主席托斯陶宁格、第二国际首领之一埃王德威尔得和全德工人联合会主席团打电报给列宁和格瓦契切林,要求把审讯推迟到三个国际的柏林会议召开。列宁的这个文献就是因此而写的。——《列宁全集(第四十三卷)》,1987:492

3. The document published in this volume was written in connection with telegrams sent to Lenin and Chicherin by the National Council of the Independent Labour Party of Britain, T. Stauning, Chairman of the Danish Social-Democratic Party, E. Vandervelde, a leader of the Second International, and by the Presidium of the General German Workers’ Union, who demanded that the trial of the Socialist-Revolutionaries be postponed until the Berlin Conference of the three Internationals. -Quoted from Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 33), 1973: 520-521.


例句 1:
为了缓解大国间的矛盾,1878年柏林会议召开了,这次会议使德、奥、俄三皇同盟名存实亡,基本构建起了近东与欧洲密切的国际关系。——《从“均衡”到“失衡” ——1848-1878年欧洲大国间的利益争夺》,山西大学硕士学位论文,2012
In order to alleviate the contradiction between great powers, Berlin conference was held in 1878, this conference makes Germany, Austrian, Russian emperors League cease to exist except in name, the basic construction of the close international relations between the Near East and Europe.

例句 2:
The Berlin Conference of 1889 and the Final Act settled his once led to a war crisis.

例句 3:
The Congress of Berlin in 1878 made the three Empire Union exist in name only. Eastern problems became the focus among European powers once again, which were subsided more than 20 years after the Crimean war. Because of the rise of Germany and the declining of other capitalist countries, such as Britain and French, competition of the Great Powers in Ottoman Empire has been re-constructed and divided.





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