

字词 政治实践


political practice


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6): Manifesto of the Communist Party [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 508.






1. 他们责备资产阶级,与其说是因为它产生了一般性的无产阶级,倒不如说是因为它产生了革命的无产阶级。所以,在政治实践上,他们总是参加反对工人阶级的一切暴力措施,而在日常生活中,他们又不顾自己所吹嘘的那一套堂皇动听的论调,却总是毫不放过机会,拾取黄金果气,不惜信义、爱和名誉,靠经营羊毛、甜菜和烧酒生意获取暴利。正如僧侣总是同封建主携手同行一样,僧侣的社会主义也总是同封建的社会主义携手同行的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷):共产党宣言》,1958:492-493

1. What they upbraid the bourgeoisie with is not so much that it creates a proletariat, as that it creates a revolutionary proletariat. In political practice, therefore, they join in all coercive measures against the working class; and in ordinary life, despite their high-falutin phrases, they stoop to pick up the golden apples dropped from the tree of industry, and to barter truth, love, and honour for traffic in wool, beetroot-sugar, and potato spirits. As the parson has ever gone hand in hand with the landlord,15 so has Clerical Socialism with Feudal Socialism. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6): Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1976: 508.

2. 1914年第二国际的解体以及随后20年间西欧工人阶级运动的受挫,给欧洲和美国的现代马克思主义留下了深刻的印记。这一崩溃意味着马克思主义思想的重心转移到了东方,然而,它在那里不久也因斯大林的上台而被压制下去了。本书最后一编里所考察的人物,同上一代马克思主义重要理论家不同,他们都不是政党中的重要角色。他们不是政治活动家而是学术界人士,他们在工人阶级的活动低落时期从事写作,从而相对地脱离了政治实践。因此,在他们的著作里,哲学、认识论、方法论,甚至美学比之政治学或经济学均占更大的比重。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:268

2. The character of contemporary Marxism in Europe and the United States was profoundly marked by the collapse of the Second International in 1914 and by the defeat of the working-class movements in Western Europe in the two following decades. This collapse meant that the centre of gravity of Marxist thought moved East, where it was soon suppressed by the rise of Stalin. Unlike the previous generation of leading Marxist theoreticians, those under consideration in the last part of this book were not important figures in political parties. They were academics rather than activists, writing a period of decline of working-class activity and therefore in comparative isolation from political practice. Thus philosophy, epistemology, methodology, even aesthetics bulk larger in their work than do politics or economics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 281.

3. 当然,霍克海姆不赞成他们忽视现实的物质方面,因为无论法兰克福学派对马克思作出多大的修正,他们绝不否定马克思关于经济在资本主义社会中起决定性作用的观点。但是,他们显然没有做到的是,把他们在经济学中感兴趣的东西融入对整个社会的分析中去。这个缺陷就反映在他们的政治态度上。20世纪30年代初期,研究所成员至少在观念上信奉政治实践。他们虽然没有一个社会变革的特定纲领,但整个地热烈赞同无产阶级的事业,并坚定地强调实践的重要性。他们相信,他们的工作有助于阐明在社会中起“反动”作用的对抗力量,从而提高被剥削者的(阶级)觉悟,并为他们提供从事解放斗争的武器。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:270

3. Of course, Horkheimer did not agree with their neglect of the material dimension of reality: however much they might revise Marx, the Frankfurt School never denied Marx’s view of the crucial role played by the economy in capitalist society. What they signally failed to do was to integrate what interest they had in economics into their analysis of society as a whole. This failure was reflected in their attitude to politics. In the early 1930s the Institute members had at least a notional commitment to political practice. Although they lacked a specific programme for social change, their general commitment to the cause of the proletariat and their emphasis on the importance of praxis was strong. They conceived their work to be a contribution to clarifying the opposing forces at work in society and therefore raising the (class) consciousness of the exploited and providing them with a weapon in their struggle for the emancipation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 284-285.


例句 1:
Political practice of human history shows that state ruling and management are major issues in political life, they are also important subjects in political science research.

例句 2:
Political Practice is an important social practice. However, it has not long been suggested and studied as a concept, even if Marxism has studied its contents such as revolution and reform, and there are some people use the word, they all regard this word

例句 3:
政治实践与人类社会同步产生, 并贯穿于人类社会发展的始终。——“从广义维度看人类社会政治实践的历史形态”,载于《中国延安干部学院学报》2010年05期
Political practice emerged synchronously with human society and runs throughout the development of human society.





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