

字词 政治学与经济学


Politics and Economics


[1] via: http://seekingalpha.com/article/3981265-politics-economics
[2] Philosophy, Politics and Economics. via:






1. 我认为,也正是在对蒲鲁东那种抽象唯物主义的反省中,马克思最终抛弃了以哲学直接面对历史面对经济现实的做法。于是,马克思生成了对哲学新视域的最后一个重要界定,即哲学方法论的合法地位问题。那些包罗万象式的、指认一切存在领域的超级概念体系(“形而上学”),用通俗的话说,就是所谓“一般规律”,已经不再是马克思所关注的问题。哲学有自己的位置、自己的任务、自己的边界,它不能随意越俎代庖。哲学就是一种方法,它只是一种思考的前提,而不能直接替代现实,如经济学、历史学和政治学。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:459

1. I believe that it was in his reflection on Proudhon’s abstract materialism that Marx finally abandoned the practice of using philosophy to directly face economic reality in the face of history. This allowed him to develop the most important definition of his new philosophical outlook: the legitimate place of philosophical methodology. Marx no longer focused on all-encompassing meta-conceptual systems (“metaphysics”) or, to use popular expression, “general laws.” Philosophy has its own place, its own tasks, its own boundaries; it cannot be used whimsically where it does not belong. Philosophy is a method, merely a premise to thought. It cannot replace reality, which is studied by economics, historical philosophy, and political philosophy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 360.

2. 由此可见,福斯特曼先生对交易所的投机事业和政治经济学一样无知。假如福斯特曼先生所提供的前提——国家证券的价格总是和货币的价格成反比——是可靠的,那末利率为3.5%的普鲁士证券的境况的确是非常乐观的。因为在这种情况下,贴现率既为5.5%,那末它们就不能按票面额72%开盘,而只能按637/11%了。但是有谁对福斯特曼先生说过,这种倒行的对比关系不是指5-10年期间的平均数而言,而是说每逢商业不景气的时候都有呢?——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:247

2. One can see that Herr Forstmann is no more a speculator on the Stock Exchange than he is an economist. If Herr Forstmann's hypothesis that the price of government securities stands always in an inverse relationship to the price of money were correct, then the quotations of the Prussian 3.5% securities would indeed be unusually favourable. In that case, with a discount rate of 5.5%, they should be listed not at 72 percent but only at 637/11%. But who has told Herr Forstmann that this inverse relationship exists at every particular moment of a business slump and not as an average over 5 to 10 years. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 223.


例句 1:
There was no division between politics and economics in ancient times. Both of them developed from the theory of polity(city-state).The political economics was born in 17~19th century. Politics and economics were concerned with state at that time. Modern economics once departed from politics.

例句 2:
Political economics was an aggregation of social sciences in the western world of modern times, but the differentiation of western social sciences, especially the separation of politics and economics, led to the decline of the traditional political economics. Since the 1960s, the integration of western social sciences accelerated the revival of political economics and thus a “New Political Economics” emerged as an integrated study of politics and economics.

例句 3:





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