

字词 杜勃罗留波夫(尼右拉·亚历山大罗维奇·杜勃罗留波夫)


Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1989: 677.




[1] 《语文知识大全集》编委会编.语文知识大全集[M].中国华侨出版社,2011.
[2] 文学常识编委会编.你必须知道的2500个文学常识[M].重庆大学出版社,2012.


1. 不过,俄国运动是能够安然地经受这类揭露的。一个产生了杜勃罗留波夫和车尔尼雪夫斯基这样两个作家、两个社会主义的莱辛的国家,绝不会因为一度产生了像巴枯宁这样的骗子和一些好吹牛皮、想癞蛤蟆一样不自量力、到头来总是互相吞食的不成熟的大学生,就会灭亡的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十八卷)》,1964:592

1. Anyway, the Russian movement can take such revelations with equanimity. A country that has produced two writers of the stature of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevky, two socialist Lessings, will not be destroyed because, all at once, it spawns a humbug like Bakunin and a few immature little students, who inflate themselves with big words like frogs, and finally gobble one another up. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 23.

2. 抗议驱逐高尔基的游行示威没有成功,但是在18日那天,一群大学生和“局外人”(按我们大臣的说法)在总督官邸前面举行了一次毫无准备的规模不大的游行示威,抗议当局禁止举行纪念尼·亚·杜勃罗留波夫逝世四十周年(11月17日)的晚会。人们对专制政权在莫斯科的代表发出嘘声,他们同俄国一切有教养的和有思想的人一样,爱戴这位痛恨暴政、热切期待人民起来反对“国内土耳其人”,即反对专制政府的作家。——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:330

2. The demonstration against Gorky’s banishment failed, but on the eighteenth of November, without any preparation, a small demonstration took place in front of the Governor General’s house against the prohibition of a social evening arranged for the previous day to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the death of N. A. Dobrolyubov. The representative of the autocracy in Moscow was howled down by people in Russia, in unison with all educated and thinking people in Russia, held dear the memory of a writer who had passionately hated tyranny and passionately looked forward to a people’s uprising against the “Turks at home”, i.e., against the autocratic government. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 323.

3. 第三,即使在农奴制的俄国,杜勃罗留波夫和车尔尼雪夫斯基还是善于说出真相;或者对1861年2月19日的宣言只字不提,或者对当时的自由派冷嘲热讽,而当时自由派的言论同目前考茨基和屠拉梯的言论如出一辙。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1988:233

3. Third, that even in the days of serfdom in Russia, Dobrolyubov and Chernyshecsky managed to speak the truth, for example, by their silence in the Manifesto of February 19, 1861, and their ridicule and castigation of the liberals, who made exactly the same kind of speeches as Turati and Kautsky. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 186.


例句 1:
During the period of Yan’an, Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov’s literary thoughts were actively translated, playing an important role in the process of establishing and developing workers, peasants and soldiers literary paradigm, and facilitated the party’s literary policy, literary creation and the establishment of criticism system. Meanwhile, Yan’an Literature, during the process of absorbing these literary thoughts, also appeared some deviations. 

例句 2:
Such a conclusion drawn by the Chinese critics comes from the fact that while they were elucidating the image of Oblomov from Dobrolyubov’s perspectives, they didn’t do it objectively, nor moderately; what’s worse, due to their own social standpoints, sometimes they even shielded some “different voices”.

例句 3:
Thus his plays were called “plays of life” by Dobrolyubov.





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