

字词 客体优先性


the priority of object; the preponderance of the object


Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 76, 95.


客体优先性是德国哲学家阿多诺(Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno,1903—1969)提出的一个概念。作为一位西方马克思主义者,阿多诺曾不止一次地表达了对马克思唯物主义的认同,并肯定地说,否定辩证法之“转向客体的优先性”导向了唯物主义(谢永康,2008:32)。在阿多诺看来,传统认识论并非只是对认知主体与被认知的客体之间作形式上的区分,而是反映了、更加强了一种普遍的权力关系,其中主体宰制着客体。阿多诺在《否定辩证法》指出“毋宁说,客体的优先性意味着,正如客体也是一个主体一样,主体在一种更为极端的意义上是一个客体——它本身就是一种性质不同的客体:因为只有经由意识才能认识主体,此外别无它途,而通过意识来认识的东西必定是某种东西——中介指向被中介的事物”(凌海衡,2005:42)。就是说,主体永远都不是纯粹的主体,而是某种能够经由意识而被认识到的客体性事物。它是在其自身的客体性中得到构建的,而不是单纯地自我构建而成。主体性本身是这种构建行为的产物,是一种“客体性”。实际上,主体的客体性直指主体的肉身性基础。它之所以如此重要,就在于它是主体间关系的基础和中介。总体上看,阿多诺的“客体的优先性”实际上是要求重新调校主体与客体之间的关系,直到最终获得主客体间的交往自由。


[1] 谢永康.从非概念物的“踪迹”到客体优先性——阿多诺唯物主义观念的逻辑运作[J].社会科学特辑,2008(5).
[2] 凌海衡.从客体优先性走向主客体间的交往自由——重估阿多诺哲学中的主客体关系[J].国外理论动态,2005(8).


1. 阿多诺分析道:“尽管客体有优先地位,但世界的物性还是现象.这种物性诱使主体把自身的生产的社会关系归于自在之物。”这一理论分析是探刻的。他的意思是说,客体优先性是对的,可是人们今天面对的世界(主要是社会历史境遇中的“我们的世界”)所呈现出来的客观性却是颠倒了的社会关系的物化现象。阿多诺明确告诉我们,理解这一表述的钥匙是马克思《资本论》中关于拜物教批判一节中的论述。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:60-61

1. Adorno analyzes, “[d]espite the preponderance of the object, the thingness of the world is also phenomenal. It tempts the subjects to ascribe their own social circumstances of production to the noumena (thing-in-itself).” His argument is quite illuminating. His meaning is that, the preponderance of the object is right, but the world we face today (mostly “our world” in social and historical context) presents an objectivity which inverts the reification of social relations. Adorno explicitly tells us that the key to understanding this statement is Marx’s account of the critique of fetishism in The Capital. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2014: 95.


例句 1:
The essay is a kind of constellational style which follows the principle of the priority of object with a view to imagining the object exactly, conforming to the order of the object in representation, overcoming the oppression imposed on the object by the subject and constructing a new type of relationship between subject and object.

例句 2:
There is three meanings implied in Feng Qi’s view of practice: First, the practice is the movement of human being towards practical ends; Second, the subject of practice in the ontological sense; Third, the priority of the object of practice.

例句 3:
Adorno thinks that traditional theories on subject and object establish the absolute dominance of subject over object through the medium of subject. So we have to transcend the dualistic pattern on subject and object to establish a relationship of tension between them on the base of object being in priority.





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