

字词 客观实在


objective reality


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:756.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972: 197.


客观实在指独立于人的意识之外、不依赖于意识的物质世界。根据列宁的物质定义,客观实在的内涵即不依赖于人的意识并能为人的意识所反映的范畴。其外延是指除意识外万事万物的总和,既包括自然现象也包括社会现象。意识以外的所有事物、 现象都是客观实在。客观实在性是物质的根本特性,不管物质的形态、结构和属性如何干变万化,但其客观实在的属性却在任何时候、任何地方都是不变的,因而具有永恒性和绝对性,客观实在性是万事万物共有的特性。客观实在性又是物质的唯一特性,是将物质和意识区别开来的唯一性质(王步勇,2010:90)。客观实在是不等于客观存在的,其区别可以概括为客观实在是不依赖于人们的意识而存在的。客观存在的“客观”是相对于“我的”的主观而言,是相对的、多变的。客观实在的客观是针对人们的主观而言,是绝对不会变的。作为对客观存在的反映的主观意识现象,无论是人类意识的整体,还是单个人的思想、观念,都不是“客观存在”本身(欧明华,2011:97-98)。


[1] 王步勇.客观实在不是客观存在[J].学理论,2010(31).
[2] 欧明华.辩证地理解“客观存在”这个命题[J].理论界,2011(4).


1. 他不是反对康德的不可知论(不可知论就是否认我们通过感觉感知的客观实在),而是主张更纯粹的不可知论,主张排除康德的那个和不可知论相矛盾的假定:自在之物是存在的,虽然它们是不可认识的、心智的、彼岸的;必然性和因果性是存在的,虽然它们是先验的,是存在于思维中而不是存在于客观现实中。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:203

1. He fought not against the agnosticism of Kant (agnosticism is a denial of the objective reality given in sensation), but for a purer agnosticism, for the elimination of Kant’s assumption, which is contradictory to agnosticism, that there is a thing-in-itself, albeit unknowable, noumenal and other-sided, that there is necessity and causality, albeit a priori, given in our understanding, and not in objective reality. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 197.

2. 因为,重要的不是波格丹诺夫和其他马赫主义者的差别,而是他们的共同点:唯心地解释“经验”和“能量”,否认客观实在。可是人的经验就是对客观实在的适应,唯一科学的“方法论”和科学的“唯能论”就是客观实在的模写。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:286

2. For the important thing is not the differences between Bogdanov and the other Machists, but what they have in common: the idealist interpretation of “experience” and “energy”, the denial of objective reality, adaptation to which constitutes human experience and the copying of which constitutes the only scientific “methodology” and scientific “energetics”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 272.

3. 可是,在马克思看来,把人仅仅视作客观实在的“感性对象”(人口)是不够的。人的存在本质上是一种感性活动(这是对《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》的补充,那里只说明对象应被理解为感性活动),即实践的社会历史性的物质活动存在,以及由这种历史活动造成的一定的生活条件和社会关系,正是这种特定的社会关系建构着现实的人的历史本质。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:413

3. However, in Marx’s view, merely viewing man as an objectively existing “perceptual object” (population) is not enough. The more important aspect of man’s existence is perceptual activity (this is an addition to Theses on Feuerbach, which only explains that objects should be understood as perceptual activity), which is practical, social historical, material, active existence, as well as the particular living conditions and social relations created by this historical activity. It is precisely these particular social relations that form the historical essence of men in reality. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 321.


例句 1:
The original synthetic unity of pure apperception is the basis of cognition possibility as well as knowledge certainty and the external basis of the objective validity and objective reality of the categories.

例句 2:
Structuralism and objective reality has long been outdated for western academic research, but they are necessary parts for the research on domestic sport culture.

例句 3:
The essence of truth is the only objective reality. Objective reality is a dynamic, relative and variational concept.





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