Gabriel Biel
[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:72.
[2] Gabriel Biel. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Biel
例句 1:
Based on the literature reviews and other former research conclusions, this paper chose the Biel Brand Model as reference model and combined with Biel Model as well as other researchers’ brand image measurement indexes to design own brand image indicators of mobile phone. This research results show that A.L. Biel Model also fits in the products of mobile phone via analyzing on the questionnaire data, whose brand image can be divided into three dimensions: product image, corporate image and user image. In the meantime, the retrospective summary to the fOrmer relative research of the brand images and brand loyalty inspires such a research hypothesis that the mobile phone’s brand image with its three dimensions has positive con'elations with brand loyalty which is proved by the analysis to the questionnaires. Meanwhile the research launches another comparative analysis on the correlations between the foreign brand image and brand loyalty and the correlations between the domestic brand and its brand loyal