

字词 比较表(程度表)


comparative table; table of comparison


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1980: 574.
[2] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000:77.






1. 1854年11月初公布了一个最近的官方报告,其中列举了大不列颠从世界各地和各国输入的谷物和面粉的比较数字,并且列出了1853年头9个月同1854年头9个月的比较表。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十卷)》,1962:641

1. The latest official report on the comparative corn and flour imports from different continents and countries to Great Britain was published at the beginning of November 1854, giving a comparative table for the first nine months of 1853 and 1854. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1980: 574

2. 最后,我还要举出雷德格雷夫先生的一张关于欧洲各国每个工厂和每个纺纱工厂的平均纱锭数的比较表。雷格德雷夫先生本人指出,这些数字是他几年以前收集的,从那时以来,英国工厂的规模和每个工人的纱锭数都扩大了。但是他假设,所列举的大陆国家也有了同样程度的进步,因此这些数字材料仍然有比较的价值。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:616

2. I give, in conclusion, a comparative table of Mr. Redgrave’s, on the average number of spindles per factory and per spinner in the different countries of Europe. He, himself, remarks that he had collected these figures a few years ago, and that since that time the size of the factories and the number of spindles per labourer in England has increased. He supposes, however, an approximately equal progress in the Continental counties mentioned, so that the numbers given would still have their value for purposes of comparison. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 560-561.

3. 但是,还有另一个事实应当考虑。不只是英国的工厂主在扩大自己的生产力。其他国家也是这样。现有的统计材料还不允许我们把各先进国家的棉纺织业和制铁业分别加以比较。但是在整个纺织工业、采矿工业和金属工业方面,我们可以利用普鲁士统计局局长恩格尔博士在他的《Das Zeitalter der Dampfs》(“蒸汽时代”1881年柏林版)一书中提供的材料来作一个比较表,根据他的计算,这些工业部门在下列国家中使用的蒸汽机的总马力(1马力等于在1秒钟内将75公斤重量提到1公尺高所需的力)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1984:313

3. But there is another fact to be taken into consideration. It is not the English manufacturers alone who increase their productive powers. The same takes place in other countries. Statistics will not allow us to compare separately the cotton and iron industries of the various leading countries. But, taking the whole of the textile, mining, and metal-making industries, we can draw up a comparative table with the materials furnished by the chief of the Prussian Statistical Bureau, Dr. Engel, in his book, “Das Zeitalter der Dampfs” (The Age of Steam, Berlin, 1881). According to his computation, there are employed in the above industries in the countries stated below steam-engines of the following total horse-power (one horse-power equal to a force lifting 75 kilogrammes to the height of one meter in one second). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 413.


例句 1:
Based on the natural conditions and socio-economic status of the Daling River Basin, this paper selects the measured data of four major hydrological stations, namely the Nest Fort, Chaoyang, Yixian, Linghai, to get the basin characteristics, and has an analysis of the water and sediment transport capacity of Daling River. Meanwhile, combined with the flow change and transport rate graph, the average area of the main channel comparison table, the width of the main channel of each reach variation diagram, the main channel capacity of each reach in different periods' table, this paper analyzes the riverbed morphology of Daling River from the perspective of the water and sediment transport capacity and the vertical and horizontal changes of erosion and deposition.





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