

字词 克劳塞维茨


Carl von Clausewitz


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:750-751.
[2] Carl von Clausewitz. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_von_Clausewitz




[1] 星汉.不可不知的2000个文化常识[M].北京联合出版公司,2013.
[2] 邹博.百科知识全书(外国卷)3军事百科[M].线装书局,2011.
[3] 林葳.你不可不知的2500条军事常识[M].内蒙古文化出版社,2011.
[4] 郭咸纲.西方管理思想史(插图修订第4版)[M].北京联合出版公司,2014.
[5] 列宁.列宁选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.


1. 克劳塞维茨在他的论1796年和1797年意大利战局的著作中有一个地方指出:战争归根到底不完全像许多人所设想的那样是演戏,如果从科学的观点来看,战争胜败是往往与政治吹牛家们想像中描绘的景象截然相反的。当我们对不久以前的那场战争的各个军事事件作出评价的时候,我国各种殷勤的然而不大明理的波拿巴派报纸——不管它们是用法文还是用英文出版的——常常情绪激忿地大叫大嚷。知道了上面这条真理,我们就可以对此处之泰然了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1962:491

1. Clausewitz remarks somewhere in his work on the Italian campaign of 1796 and 1797 that, after all, war is not so theatrical an affair as people are apt to fancy, and that victories and defeats, if contemplated with the eye of science, look rather the reverse of the picture of them reflected on the brains of the political gossip. The knowledge of this truth has enabled us to bear with some equanimity the fussy anger which our appreciation of the military events of the recent war has from time to time called forth from various zealous, if not intelligent, Bonapartist organs in this country, whether printed in the French or the English language. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1980: 435.

2. 克劳塞维茨将军在他的一篇论1796年奥法战争的文章中说,奥地利经常打败仗,是因为它的作战计划无论在战略上还是在策略上都不是考虑要实际地去取得胜利,而是要利用似乎已经取得了的胜利。从两翼迂回敌人,包围敌人,把自己的兵力分散在各个最远的据点上,以图截断想像中已被击溃的敌人的一切退路, ——为了利用臆想出来的胜利而采取的这些措施和类似措施,每次都成了保证打败仗的最可靠的办法。对奥军作战方法的这一段评语完全适用于普鲁士外交。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1962:503

2. General Clausewitz, in his work on the Austrian-French campaign of 1796, remarks that the reason why Austria was so often defeated was that its battle plans, strategically as well as tactically, were designed not so much for actually winning thevictory as for exploiting the anticipated victory. Turning the enemy on both flanks, encirclement, dispersion of one's own army to the most distant places in order to block off all the places where the enemy, already imagined as defeated, might hide—these and similar measures for exploiting the fanciful victory were in every case the most practical way of ensuring defeat. What was true of Austria's way of waging war holds good for Prussia's diplomacy. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1980: 445.


例句 1:
孙子和克劳塞维茨两位兵学大师的战略情报思想有许多相通之处,而他们对战场情报的认识之各具特色,则源于他们所处时代的不同和研究战争问题方法论的差异。 ——“孙子与克劳塞维茨军事情报思想比较”,载于《滨州学院学报》2009年第1期
The military masters like Sun Tzu and Clausewitz had much similarity in their strategic intelligence thoughts, but they had different cognition about battlefield intelligence, which rooted in their different times and methodologies to study the military affairs.

例句 2:
The war theory and the ideas of Clausewitz provide an important theoretical paradigm to pursuit effective ways to end war, and to strengthen security and peace by international cooperation.

例句 3:
Carl von Clausewitz is the founder of the modern bourgeois military theory.





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