

字词 知解力(又作理解力)


understanding; comprehension


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:693.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 191.


知解力,即“理解力”,也译“知性”、“悟性”,是人对客观世界的一种认识能力,即根据经验,把感性材料组织起来,构成有条理的知识。美学上指对事物审美特性的认识由个别上升到一般,由感性上升到理性的思维能力。知解力即理解力,在不同哲学家那里有不同的阐释,在意大利缪越陀里那里,知解力是“审美鉴赏 力、审辨力、判断力的总和,是一种理智、理性认识的能力”(金炳华,2003:623);在德国康德那里,知解力“是构成天才的心灵能力之一,包括逻辑的推断、分析、综合、推理的能力,同想像力一起构成把握现象界的认识功能”(金炳华,2003:623);在英国柯勒律治那里,知解力是“约束、证实和体会的能力,既证实、确认事物的审美特性,又包含着主体的主观体验、领会”(金炳华,2003:623)。歌德认为知解力高攀不上自然,人只有把自己提高到最高理性的高度,才可以接触到一切物理的和伦理的本原现象所自出的神;认识客观世界,知解力不如理性,欣赏艺术,知解力又不如想象;知解力只能在科学、散文领域起作用,而不能在诗的领域起作用。知解力在审美实践中形成,以一定的审美心理结构为基础,具有差异性,因历史时期和思维能力发展水平的不同而不同。知解力是形象思维能力的体现,决定着审美判断、审美理解、审美评价的性质和程度,直接制约着审美情感、意志活动的强度和审美意象创造、美的形象创造的深广度,在人们的审美活动中发挥着关键性作用。




1. 只要科学研究“弄清了它所取得的成果的内容”,那它就决不会同基督教的真理发生矛盾。但同时国家却应该注意使这种“弄清”成为不可能,因为研究不应该面向广大群众的理解力,也就是不应该成为对它自己是通俗易懂的!即使那些非科学的研究者利用一切主张君主制的报纸诽谤科学研究,科学研究也应该保持谦逊和沉默。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,2002: 214

1. Scientific research, once it has " 'made clear' to itself the content of its results, will never conflict with the truths of Christianity". At the same time, however, the state must ensure that this “clarification” is impossible, for research must never adapt itself to the level of understanding of the broad mass, i. e., it must never become popular and clear to itself. Even when it is attacked by unscientific investigators in all newspapers of the monarchy, it must be modest and remain silent. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 191.

2. 以萨伊的观点,政治经济学就是实验科学中面对发生着的事件之一般事实的研究。他认为,这门科学有这样的特点:它说明那些事实不断相结合,以致一个事实总是另一个事实的结果,以及为什么是这样。但它不用假设来作进一步的说明,而要从事物的本质去明白理解事物的联系。政治经济学必须引导人们从一个环节到另一个环节,使得有理解力的人都能理会这个链条是怎样联系起来。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 30

2. Say asserts that political economy is a branch of experimental science that studies general facts. Of the characteristics of political economy, Say writes: It shows what facts are constantly conjoined with each other; so that one is always the sequence of the other. But it does not resort for any further explanations to hypothesis: from the nature of particular events their concatenations must be perceived; the science must conduct us from one link to another, so that every intelligent understanding may clearly comprehend in what manner the chain is united. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 5.

3. 杜林先生刚把这些老生常谈译为现实哲学的语言,刚给这种陈词滥调套上 “一切感觉的更深刻的实质都是以情况的差异为基础的” 这一神秘的形式,这种陈词滥调就已经转变为“我们的差异规律”了。而且,这一差异规律使得一整系列现象成为“完全可以说明的”,而这些现象又无非是变换的愉快性的说明和例子,它们甚至对最平凡的庸人的理解力来说也是完全不需要说明的,而且丝毫没有由于引述所谓差异规律而变得清楚一些。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973: 128

3. No sooner has this platitude, which is as old as the hills, been translated into the mysterious formula that the deeper essence of all sensation rests on the difference between states, than it is further transformed into "our law of difference". And this law of difference makes "absolutely explicable" a whole series of phenomena which in turn are nothing more than illustrations and examples of the pleasantness of variety and which require no explanation whatever even for the most common philistine understanding and gain not the breadth of an atom in clarity by reference to this alleged law of difference. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 108.





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