

字词 觉悟




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 213.




[1] 李翔,品伦.试论觉悟[J].西安政治学院学报,2001(6).
[2] 张岱年.论觉悟[J].黄山学院学报,1991(1).


1. 圣麦克斯认为共产主义者是要“为社会”“牺牲”,其实他们只是想牺牲现存的社会;在这种情况下,他必定会把共产主义者的觉悟——即他们意识到自己的斗争是所有超出资产阶级制度的人的共同事业——叫作他们为自己作出的牺牲。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:233

1. Saint Max believes that the communists sacrifices for society; in this struggle is the “society”, when they want at most to want to sacrifice existing society; in this case he should describe their consciousness that their struggle is the common cause of all people who have outgrown the bourgeois system as a sacrifice that they make to themselves. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 213.

2. 那些年,生活费用上涨和市场紧缩,使工人阶级的抗议活动大大加剧。正是在这种背景下,卢森堡开始阐发她关于阶级意识的思想。在 《社会改良还是革命?》中,她就已经谈到了工会活动和政治斗争的重要性,因为“通过这些活动和斗争,无产阶级的觉悟即意识就成为社会主义的,无产阶级就被组织成一个阶级了。”正是从这一观点出发,她于1904年刊载 在《新时代》上的《俄国社会民主党的组织问题》一文,就批评了列宁的《进一步,退两步》。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:44

2. The rising cost of living and the contracting market of these years caused a great increase in working-class activity and it was in this context that Rosa Luxemburg began to develop her ideas on class consciousness. Already in Social Reform or Revolution she had talked of the importance of trade union activity and political struggle in that through them the awareness, the consciousness, of the proletariat becomes socialist, and it is organised as a class’. It was from this point of view that she criticised Lenin’s One Step Forwards, Two Steps Backwards in her article on Organizational Questions of Russian Social Democracy’ published in Die Neue Zeit of 1904. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 49.

3. 干部的党性修养、思想觉悟、道德水平不会随着党龄的积累而自然提高,也不会随着职务的升迁而自然提高,而需要终生努力。成为好干部,就要不断改造主观世界、加强党性修养、加强品格陶冶。要时刻用党章、周共产党员标准要求自己,要有“与人不求备,检身若不及”的精神,时刻自重自省自警,努力做到“心不动于微利之诱,目不眩于五色之惑”,实实做人,踏踏实实干事,清清白白为官。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:417

3. The commitment to the Party's cause, theoretical consciousness and moral standards of an official are not enhanced automatically alongside a longer Party standing or a higher post. Rather, the enhancement requires lifelong endeavors. To become a good official, one needs to constantly remold one’s subjective world, and strengthen one’s commitment to the Party and moral refinement. One needs to stringently comply with the Party Constitution and the requirements for Party members, “being strict with oneself and lenient with others.” Party members must always behave in a proper manner, scrutinize themselves, keep alert to “resist the myriad temptations of the dazzling world,” and be honest and hardworking, clean and upright. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 467.


例句 1:
At present, it is theoretically necessary and obligatory that more attention be paid to the significance of human moral consciousness to social justice and its realization to assure the scientific rationality of institutional arrangement and rational self-consciousness of moral sense.

例句 2:
Therefore, only when the ethical consciousness of officials is waken, the reform of political system is deepened and the base of modern psychology of the people is built, can there be real vitality in the modern transformation of China’s society.

例句 3:
The environmental awareness since the 1960s has involved not only the consciousness of technical civilization, but also the consciousnessof the entire human civilization and has provided the methodological basis for the solution of the difficult problem.





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