字词 | 利润和利润理论 |
释义 | 利润和利润理论【英】profit and the theory of profit译文来源Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 122. 定义利润与利润理论是经济学中争议最大的问题。关于利润的定义、利润的存在性、利润的来源等在理论上都存在着很大的分歧。对于利润最通常的定义是利润是超过成本的余额。这种定义看上去似乎很直观,但是仔细推敲就会发现它是不严格的,因为成本的定义就是不严格的,是会计成本还是机会成本?对于成本的定义不同,所以计算利润也不同,在完全竞争长期均衡的条件下,按会计成本算,厂商存在着利润,而按机会成本算,厂商没有任何经济利润,进一步说,如果说利润是超过成本的余额,那么是否超过成本的余额都是利润?如果回答是肯定的,那么地租、利息又如何解释?因为它们也是超过成本的余额。地租、利息和利润三者间究竟有什么区别?或者说它们就是同一种东西的不同定义。对于利润的不同解释产生了各种各样的利润理论。 定义来源刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 李嘉图极力证明,土地所有权即地租不能改变农产品的相对价值,而资本积累对相对价值(它是由生产中花费的劳动比较量决定的)只起暂时的不稳定的作用。为了证明这一命题,他创立了有名的地租论,把资本分解为各个组成部分,最后,他在资本里除了积累的劳动以外什么也没有看到。他接着又发挥了整套的工资和利润理论,并且证明,工资和利润的增减互成反比,而这并不影响产品的相对价值。他没有忽略资本积累、资本在性质上的差别(固定资本和流动资本)以及工资率等对产品的比值所能起的影响。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:91 1. Ricardo endeavours to prove that the ownership of land, that is, rent, cannot change the relative value of commodities and that the accumulation of capital has only a passing and fluctuating effect on the relative values determined by the comparative quantity of labour expended on their production. In support of this thesis, he gives his famous theory of rent, analyses capital, and ultimately finds nothing in it but accumulated labour. Then he develops a whole theory of wages and profits, and proves that wages and profits rise and fall in inverse ratio to each other, without affecting the relative value of the product. He does not neglect the influence that the accumulation of capital and its different aspects (fixed capital and circulating capital), as also the rate of wages, can have on the proportional value of products. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 122. 2. 这一点和李嘉图的价值学说是完全矛盾的,和他的实际上是剩余价值理论的利润理论也是完全矛盾的。他考察固定资本和流动资本的区别,一般只是限于说明,同量资本投在不同生产部门时分为固定资本和流动资本的不同比例对价值规律会发生什么影响,并且由这种情况引起的工资涨落对价格会发生多大影响。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1961:250 2. This wholly contradicts Ricardo’s doctrine of value, likewise his theory of profit, which is in fact a theory of surplus-value. In general he considers the distinction between fixed and circulating capital only to the extent that different proportions of both of them in equally large capitals invested in different branches of production influence the law of value, particularly the extent to which an increase or decrease of wages in consequence of these conditions affects prices. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 225. 3. 现在我还要把整本书,即理论方面所有最重要的地方,再看一遍。这些家伙看到最困难的问题,如象李嘉图的利润理论,“以这种方法”如此轻易地得到解决,一定会感到惊奇。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十一卷)》,1962:328 3. I am now looking through the whole thing again, i.e., the more theoretical aspects. The fellows will be astonished to see with what consummate ease the most difficult points, such as Ricardo’s theory of profit, are dealt the coup de grâce here ‘in this way’. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 42), 1987: 402. |
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