

字词 差额选举


the election procedure in which the number of candidates nominated is greater than the number of persons to be elected; competitive election


[1] Constitution of Communist Party of China. Revised and adopted at the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on November 14, 2012. via: http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/206972/206981/8188065.html
[2] 差额选举 competitive election. via:http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/2013cnencpctps/2012-11/09/content_17141346.htm


区别于等额选举,差额选举指候选人名额多于应选代表名额的选举。我国从1979年选举法开始变等额选举为差额选举(袁刚等,2013:66)。1990年,《中国共产党基层组织选举工作暂行条例》发布,随后,《中国共产党地方组织选举工作条例》通过,规定就党的地方组织和党的基层组织而言,部分党内职务要实行差额选举。这是将差额选举引入党内选举。2011年两会提出,差额选举制度会在中央委员会选举中实行。2004年,党的十六届四中全会提出:适当扩大差额推荐和差额选举的范围和比例(选举制度大事记. via: http://www.legaldaily.com.cn/rdlf/content/2014-09/05/content_5752282.htm?node=34019)。2011年3月14日,温家宝总理在两会上提出,中央委员会的选举当中实行了差额选举。差额选举有两种方式:一是直接采用候选人数多于应选人数的差额选举办法进行正式选举;二是先采用差额选举办法进行预选,产生候选人名单,然后进行正式选举(《新编党员实用全书》编写组,2013:47)。在一定范围内实行差额选举,有利于健全党内民主生活,发扬党内民主,充分体现选举人的意志。


[1] 袁刚,余艳红.中国语境下的差额选举及其问题[J].人民论坛学术前沿,2013.
[2] 选举制度大事记. via: http://www.legaldaily.com.cn/rdlf/content/2014-09/05/content_5752282.htm?node=34019
[3] 《新编党员实用全书》编写组.新编党员实用全书[M].中共党史出版社,2013.


1. 候选人名单要由党组织和选举人充分酝酿讨论。可以直接采用候选人数多于应选人数的差额选举办法进行正式选举。也可以先采用差额选举办法进行预选,产生候选人名单,然后进行正式选举。——《中国共产党章程》(中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会部分修改,2012年11月14日通过)

1. The lists of candidates shall be submitted to the Party organizations and voters for full deliberation and discussion. The election procedure in which the number of candidates nominated is greater than the number of persons to be elected may be used directly in a formal election or this procedure may be used first in a preliminary election in order to draw up a list of candidates for the formal election. -Quoted from Constitution of Communist Party of China, 2012.


例句 1:
There is no doubt that competitive election, as the product of human system civilization, is widely accepted and applied by the countries, regions and organizations all over the world.

例句 2:
The Party’s history is a history of its exploration of democracy within the Party. The 5th Plenary Session of the 11th CPC National Congress put forward the way of competitive election and the 12th CPC National Congress went a step further by making its operation clear. The 13th CPC National Congress stipulated that inner party election must implement competitive election and carried out a competitive election for the first time in its primary election. 

例句 3:
The 18th CPC Congress takes a gratifying step forward in expanding competitive elections and promoting democratic political development from both theoretical and practical perspectives.





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