

字词 能源生产


energy production


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 144.






1. 第五,全方位加强国际合作,实现开放条件下能源安全。在主要立足国内的前提条件下,在能源生产和消费革命所涉及的各个方面加强国际合作,有效利用国际资源。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:131

1. Fifth, we must enhance international cooperation in all sectors, and ensure that opening up supports energy security. While relying mainly on domestic energy sources, we will strengthen international cooperation in all sectors related to energy production and consumption, and make effective use of resources from other countries. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 144.

2. 其次,从我国能源资源角度、能源生产建设规模、能源生产总量及结构等方面系统分析了我国能源供给的现状;从我国能源消费总量及结构、三次产业的能源消费与构成方面系统分析了我国能源需求的现状;找出我国能源存在的问题并论述了世界能源发展趋势。——《中国能源供求预测模型及发展对策研究》,首都经济贸易大学博士学位论文,2006

2. The second, from the angle of the energy resources, energy production scale, energy productivity and structure etc, the text analyses the present condition of energy production, and from the energy consume and structure and industry energy consume of our country, it analyses the foundation of energy demand, and finds the problem and discusses the trend of the energy of world.

3. 随着全球对能源问题认识的逐步加深,能源与经济的关系成为世界各国关注的热点。我国长期以来高能耗、低利用的粗放型经济发展模式一直没有得到有效地改变,能源生产、能源消费依旧不甚合理,能源利用的低效率、能源引起的环境污染始终存在,因此,加快转变经济发展模式,开发新能源,使经济得到可持续发展具有重要意义。——《辽宁省能源生产、能源消费与经济增长关系的研究》,辽宁大学硕士学位论文,2015

3. With the deepening understanding of global energy issues, the relationship between energy and economy has become the focus of world attention. In China, high energy consumption, low utilization of extensive economic growth mode has not been effectively to change for a long time, the energy production and energy consumption are still not very reasonable, the low efficiency of energy utilization, environmental pollution caused by energy still exists, therefore, it is a great significance to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode, develop new energy, improve energy efficiency, make economy develop sustainable.





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