

字词 伏尔泰


Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)


Voltaire. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaire


伏尔泰(1694—1778),本名弗朗索瓦-马利·阿鲁埃(François-Marie Arouet),是法国著名的启蒙思想家、文学家、哲学家、史学家。伏尔泰是十八世纪法国资产阶级启蒙运动的泰斗,被誉为“法兰西思想之王”、“法兰西最优秀的诗人”、“欧洲的良心+C556:F563”。主张开明的君主政治,强调自由和平等。法国启蒙运动的著名人物如狄德罗、卢梭、孔狄亚克、布封等人,无不对他推崇备至,公认他是他们的导师。伏尔泰的代表作包括《哲学通信》,《形而上学论》,《路易十四时代》,《老实人》等。伏尔泰也是自然法学说的拥护者,他从自然法论的立场出发来揭露和批判封建专制和教会的统治。他将法律分为自然法和制定法两类,指出自然法是符合人性或人的本能的适用于所有人的公正的自然法律,制定法是国家制定的法律和教会法。此外,伏尔泰开创了理性主义史学,认为理性是历史前进的动力,着重对封建专制和维护其存在的上层建筑和意识形态的批判。(伏尔泰.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/5394372-5631480.html#5394372-5631480-6)
 在伏尔泰的主要活动时期,封建势力很强大,法国资产阶级处于相对劣势,这决定了他的思想的时代局限性。在哲学上,他始终没有摆脱神,还没有达到公开的唯物论和无神论;在历史观方面,他宣传抽象的民主、自由、平等,以救世主自居,蔑视群众,没有摆脱历史唯心论;在政治方面,他在揭露封建专制制度时,对共和思想持暧昧态度,长期幻想依靠开明君主实行自上而下的改革。(伏尔泰. via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900012160283&d=F5783279FC686CB5AFDD9B749AE4ECA5)。


[1] 伏尔泰.via:
[2] 伏尔泰.via:


1. 他们总是追求西方提供的最极端的事物。这是不折不扣的美食癖,和十八世纪一部分法国贵族的爱好一样。“这不是为裁缝和鞋匠写的” ——那时伏尔泰谈到自己的启蒙思想时这样说。这并不妨碍这些俄国人一旦做官就成为混蛋。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十二卷)》,1973:554

1. They always yearn for the most extreme the West has to offer. It is pure gourmandise, like that practiced by part of the French aristocracy during the 18th century. Ce n'est pas pour les tailleurs et les bottiers, as Voltaire said at the time about his own Enlightenment. It does not hinder the very same Russians from becoming scoundrels as soon as they enter government service. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 43), 1987: 131.

2. 封建政党虽然也装出一副憎恨法国僭位者的样子,实际上它所憎恨的是法兰西民族,它期望通过反对整个法兰西民族的圣战,把从伏尔泰和让·雅克·卢梭的国家输入的可怕的新东西消除净尽。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1973:311

2. In fact, the French nation, and flatters itself that, by a sound war against it all, the horrid innovations imported from the country of Voltairea nd Jean Jacques Rousseau, maybe swept away. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1987: 267.

3. 大家知道,伏尔泰在他费尔涅的家中养了四只猴子,他用他的四个论敌的名字来给它们命名,称它们为:弗莱隆、博麦尔、农诺特和弗兰克·德·庞比尼昂。这位作家没有一天不亲手喂它们,不赏它们一顿拳脚,不拧它们的耳朵,不用针刺它们的鼻子,不踩它们的尾巴,不给它们戴神甫的高筒帽,不用最难以想像的卑劣方式对待它们。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1973:435

3. Voltaire, we know, kept four monkeys in Ferney, to which he had given the names of his four literary opponents, Fréron, Beaumelle, Nonnotte and Franc de Pompignan. Not a day passed without the writer’s feeding them personally, kicking them liberally, pulling their ears, sticking pins in their noses, stepping on their tails, dressing them in clerical hoods and mistreating them in every possible way. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1987: 380.


例句 1:
There are similarities and differences between Montesquieu and Voltaire.

例句 2:
As a French enlightenment thinker, Voltaire had a persistent pursuit for freedom. from the 18th century popular natural law thoughts, Voltaire advocated people surviving and living in societies from the outset, and at the same time enjoying a variety of natural rights, of which the most important is the right to freedom.

例句 3:
The core of this research is to research Voltaire and Liang Qichao’s enlightenment thoughts and human thoughts. This research's innovation is to find the research blank of Voltaire’s humanistic thoughts, and to link up his thoughts with Liang Qichao’s thoughts.





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