

字词 人道主义




[2]Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics[M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 145.


人道主义是关于人的尊严、价值、权利、本性和人与人的关系,人与社会关系的理论,人道主义有两种解释,一是作为历史观和世界观的人道主义;一是作为伦理原则和道德规范的人道主义。作为世界观和历史观的人道主义,它是欧洲资产阶级早期的一种思想体系。14—16 世纪欧洲文艺复兴的思想家为了摆脱经院哲学和宗教统治的束缚,用人道主义来反抗使人屈从于权力主义与教条的封建和宗教统治,要求尊重人的价值和尊严,发展人的个性、追求人的自由、形成一个以“人”为中心的思想体系。在17—18世纪资产阶级革命中,资产阶级启蒙思想家以人道主义为旗帜反对封建专制和等级制度,提出“自由”、“平等”、“博爱”的口号,要求充分实现“人权”。作为历史观与世界观的人道主义属于唯心主义的范畴,它在历史上虽然起过进步作用,但它用抽象的人、人性去解释历史,认为历史发展和社会进步的动力在于人类的善良天性或人类得的理性。作为伦理原则和道德规范的资产阶级人道主义,是社会主义人道主义提出以前的一种最高的伦理道德理想。它在反对神权统治和专制统治、反对剥削压迫、种族歧视的斗争中起了重要的作用(王国炎等,1993:725)。但是,剥削制度的存在,使人道主义的伦理道德原则在很大范围内只能流于空谈。马克思主义者批判社会主义以前的人道主义,认为它只适用于上层人物,而且是排斥农民和城市的广大群众。同资产阶级的人道主义相比,“社会主义的”或“无产阶级的”人道主义强调要把种族和民族的劳动者从资本主义的剥削、歧视与压迫下解放出来。在马克思恩格斯看来,社会主义人道主义的基本命题为:(1)资本家私人占有生产资料,这是发展人类幸福的主要障碍;(2)能够排除有损人类尊严、阻止人类幸福发展的障碍物的社会阶级是工人阶级,只有通过无产阶级才能达到这个目的;(3)人道主义的最高形式是消灭了城乡差别、体力劳动与脑力劳动的差别、工人与管理人员额差别的和谐的无产阶级社会;(4)社会主义的人道主义主张社会全体成员都能全面发展、取消特殊化和最后消灭国家(约·维尔钦斯基,1988:488)。社会主义人道主义立足于社会主义的经济基础,同社会主义的政治制度相适应,以辩证唯物主义世界观和历史观为基础。




1. 1956年,《1844年手稿》第一次在《马克思恩格斯早期著作选》中用俄文全文发表。不久,该文本的中文第一版的单行本在1957年出版。当时,这个文本一纸风行,已经成为前东欧理论界的讨论焦点,特别是作为西方马克思主义思想波动外延的“新马克思主义”的一面理论旗帜而引人注目。一时间,马克思主义、社会主义与人道主义的内在关系成为一种新的逻辑指归。人道主义的社会主义被直接写进了东欧一些共产党的党纲(如前南共联盟)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:196

1. It was not until 1956 that the 1844 Manuscript was first published in its entirety in the Russian edition of the Selected Early Works of Marx and Engels. Not long after, the Chinese edition of the Manuscript was published separately in 1957. By that time, the text had already become popular, moving to the center of the Eastern European theoretical discussion. It gained special attention as a theoretical banner of the “Neo-Marxists,” a school of thought that arose as an extension of the Western Marxism movement. All of a sudden, the relation between Marxism, socialism, and humanism took on a new logical meaning. Humanist socialism was directly written into the party manifestoes of several European communist parties (such as the League of Communists of Yugoslavia). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 145.

2. 中国高度关注叙利亚人道主义状况,为缓解人道灾难,将向在约旦、黎巴嫩等国的叙利亚难民提供新一批人道主义援助。中国支持建立中东无核武器区,反对任何改变中东政治版图的企图。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:316

2. China is deeply concerned about the humanitarian situation in Syria, and wil1 provide a new batch of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon to al1eviate their plight. China supports the establishment of a Middle East nuclear-weapon-free zone, and opposes any attempt to change the political landscape of the Middle East. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 347.

3. 卢卡奇致力于对批判的现实主义和理性的人道主义的阐述,认为它们再德国古典文学(歌德)中便得到体现,而到他同时代由托马斯·曼(Thomas Mann)保持下来。他把这些作家的观点与后来出现的发理性主义的浪漫倾向作了尖锐的对比,后者存在于各种颓废的资产阶级现代主义形式之中。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:171

3. Lukács devoted himself to expounding a critical realiam and rational humanism which he found embodied in classical German literature (Goethe) and continued in his own time by Thomas Mann. He sharply contrasted the views if these writers with the later irrationalist romantic trends that were contained in carious decadent bourgeois forms of modernism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 179.


例句 1:
It has been more than 100 years since the Marxism was born .But the Marxism was still the hot spot of the scholarly research now. The Marxism and humanitarianism's relational question, through which the Marxism is understood correctly, is an important theory question. If the relations of the Marxism and the humanitarianism is not known correctly, the Marxism can not been understood correctly.

例句 2:
Humanism has a long history in the West, and various types of humanism can be concisely understood as “human-centered”.

例句 3:
To sum up, Berdyaev tried to establish the basis of the settlement and pursuit for human being from the position of the humanitarianism combined with the culture of Orthodox Eastern Church, in an attempt to overcome the crisis of human existence and spiritual value crisis.





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