

字词 经济学




Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 25.


经济学是研究人类经济活动的规律,即价值的创造、转化、实现的规律——经济发展规律的理论,分为政治经济学与科学经济学两大类型。经济学起源于古代中国经济思想、希腊色诺芬与亚里士多德为代表的早期经济学,经过亚当·斯密、马克思、凯恩斯、中国经济学家等经济学家的发展,经济学逐步由政治经济学向科学经济学发展,经济学理论体系和实际应用不断完善。政治经济学根据所代表的阶级的利益为了突出某个阶级在经济活动中的地位和作用自发从某个侧面研究价值规律或经济规律;科学经济学则自觉从整体上研究价值规律或经济规律(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0K7envOdho_OON1Jv-vPkAm1Ae7gqQjlbwVkV1AT1uA8iWBnliNGDVdZWh9358KFxwM25TDnP5KcVV25RW5qhK)。要研究经济发展的规律就必须从整体上统一研究经济现象,宏观经济与微观经济是统一的经济体中对称的两个方面,所以在科学的对称经济学范式框架中,有宏观经济与微观经济之分,没有宏观经济学与微观经济学之别;而政治经济学总是把经济学分为宏观经济学与微观经济学。经济学核心思想是通过研究、把握、运用经济规律,实现资源的优化配置与优化再生,最大限度创造、转化、实现价值,满足人类物质文化生活的需要与促进社会可持续发展。经济学的最新发展是对称经济学,对称经济学是我国学者运用中国传统的对称方法、“五度空间”方法与模式,以主体与客体相对称、主体性与科学性相统一为基本原则与基本线索,建立起来的科学的、一般的、人类的、与政治经济学相对而言的经济学,是第一个由中国人自己创立的经济学理论体系。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0K7envOdho_OON1Jv-vPkAm1Ae7gqQjlbwVkV1AT1uA8iWBnliNGDVdZWh9358KFxwM25TDnP5KcVV25RW5qhK


1. 如在实证主义“拒绝形而上学”逻辑一统天下中,跟着科学技术关注工具理性的科技哲学、跟在经济学后面的关注效益实现的经济哲学、跟在政治学后面关注权力机制的政治哲学等。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 9

1. For example, in the dominant logic of "rejecting metaphysics" by positive sciences (particularly in China), there appears philosophy of technology which pays attention to instrumental reason, following science; economical philosophy which focus on benefit and profit, following economics; political philosophy which regards mechanism of power, following politics, etc. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 25.

2. 固然他直接操作经济学的学术套话很少,但通过哲学思辩透射出来的思想却常常具有极深的经济学批判之思。詹姆逊说:“阿多诺理论注释的前提是价值规律”,这是完全正确的。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 16

2. He uses few words to talk directly the economical subject, but his philosophical discussion constantly rests on the critique of economics, as Jameson puts it, the premise of Adomo's theoretical interpretation is law of value. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 34.

3. 西方主流经济学早已沦落为操作层面的工匠主义,即使是凯恩斯以后的干预主义,也不是对市场经济的本质真的有所了解的结果。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 16-17

3. The dominating economics in western society has degenerated into an operational level of handicraftsman. Even Keynes' government interventionism is not an outcome that comes from authentic understanding of the essence of market economy. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 35.


例句 1:
As a kind of new political economy, through the ‘system’ and ‘ideological’ analysis, new institutional economics contributes to the field of economics on the intrusion of political science research and provides the observed angle of political phenomena.

例句 2:
“Happiness” was important in Smith’s and former economics. However, with the later development of mainstream economics in European and American countries, “happiness” was flickering, or even got rid of.

例句 3:
The article points out that economic methods have difficulties on analyzing environmental problems, and pure economic reason can not solve but lead to the environmental problems exactly.





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