

字词 权责明确


well defined right/power and responsibility


Report on the Work of Government, 2003.via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/3abce007-104e-4314-8d37-c83e1acd22e2/




[1] 贾和亭.企业制度创新纵横谈[M].改革出版社,1998.
[2] 岳福斌.现代产权制度研究[M].中央编译出版社,2007.


1. (四)坚持推进国有企业改革,切实加强再就业工作和社会保障体系建设国有企业改革是整个经济体制改革的中心环节。不坚决推进改革,国有企业就没有出路。五年来,我们坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向,知难而进,敢于碰硬,加大工作力度,打了一场深化国有企业改革的攻坚战。一是加快现代企业制度建设。按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的要求,积极推行规范的公司制和股份制改革,完善法人治理结构,深化企业内部分配、人事、劳动制度改革,建立激励和约束机制。——《2003年政府工作报告》

1. 4. Steadfastly Carrying Forward the Reform of State-owned Enterprises and Effectively Strengthening Reemployment Work and Development of the Social Security SystemThe reform of state-owned enterprises is the key link in our overall economic restructuring. If we fail to press this reform forward, there will be no future for our state-owned enterprises. In the past five years, we fought a tenacious battle to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises by adhering to the orientation of the socialist market economy, braving difficulties, overcoming tough obstacles and constantly intensifying our work.First, we accelerated the development of the modern corporate system. In line with the principles of “clearly established property right ownership, well defined rights and responsibilities, separation of enterprises from government and scientific management,” vigorous efforts were made to carry out reforms aimed at introducing the standard corporate system and the joint-stock system and improving corporate governance. We deepened the reform of enterprises’ internal system for distribution and human resources and labor employment management and established incentive and disciplinary mechanisms. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2003


例句 1:
Government and social organizations should be based on mutual trust, clear responsibilities and standard, then build mutually independent, cooperative interaction, government-led new relationship, and to achieve this relationship requires the government liberalize the social organization, social organizations id self-reliance at the same time, then create a new pattern of social governance.

例句 2:
党的十八大提出“加快形成政社分开、权责明确、依法自治的现代社会组织体制”的内涵意义,十八届三中全会提出“创新社会治理体制,激发社会组织活力”。——“国家与社会互动: 现代社会组织体制的构建及实证研究——以北京社会组织建设管理为例”,载于《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》,2015年第4期
“To speed up the formation of modern social organization system to be independent from the government, with clear responsibilities and in accordance with rule of law”, which was put forward during the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC. It takes the claim of “to innovate the social governance system and stimulate the vitality of social organizations” (presented during the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the CPC), and its related research as the background.

例句 3:





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