

字词 经济主义




via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economism


经济主义是19世纪末20世纪初形成于俄国工人运动内部的一种以单纯追求工人眼前经济利益为特征的机会主义思潮,是伯恩斯坦修正主义的变种,主要代表为普罗柯波维奇、库斯柯娃、马尔丁诺夫等人。这种理论认为无产阶级的主要任务是进行经济斗争,反对进行推翻资产阶级制度的斗争,否认建立统一的马克思主义政党的必要性。它的主要思想内容有,第一,以“批评自由”为旗帜,篡改马克思主义。第二,否认革命理论,崇拜自发性,不了解革命斗争中自发性和自觉性的辩证法,它否认工人阶级的最高政治形式,即马克思列宁主义政党的必要性,维护组织上的涣散状态和手工业方式,使无产阶级在政治上成为资产阶级的附庸。第三,反对政治斗争,崇拜经济改良,宣扬庸俗的经济决定论,认为工人运动的座右铭是“为改善经济状况而斗争”,认为在工人运动中经济斗争具有首要意义,政治斗争则是资产阶级自由派的事,无产阶级的政治任务只是从国家那里争得某些减轻自己困苦的施舍,而不是推翻专制制度和实现无产阶级专政。列宁在《怎么办?》一书中深刻批判了经济主义的错误观点,着重说明了革命理论的意义和政治斗争与经济斗争的辩证关系,他认为经济主义崇拜自发性,只能把工人运动引向经济改良的工联主义道路,社会主义意识不可能自发产生,而必须向无产阶级进行灌输,并认为只有通过政治斗争才能改造旧制度,实现无产阶级根本的经济利益(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/3827130-4018852.html)。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/3827130-4018852.html


1. 考茨基持经典马克思主义的国家观,即国家是阶级统治的工具,并且否认国家是拯救工人阶级的可能的资源。因此,工会本身的斗争就完全不够了。他像列宁一样坚决否定“经济主义”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:29

1. Piecemeal reformist demands were never enough: Kautsky held the classical Marxist view of the state as an instrument of class domination and rejected it as a possible source of salvation for the working class. Thus trade union struggles could never of themselves be sufficient and he rejected ‘economism’ just as decisively as Lenin. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 34.

2. 老革命活动家日益感到固执于经济目标将有碍于清晰的政治远见,于是,阿克雪里罗得于1897年广泛地批判了“经济主义”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:69

2. The old stagers felt increasingly that the insistence on economics objectives was to the detriment of a clear political perspective and Axelrod subjected ‘Economism’ to an extended critique in 1897. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 75.

3. 到1900年,普列汉诺夫对考茨基迁就伯恩施坦的态度深感震惊,便主张同经济主义者断然决裂。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:69

3. By 1900, Plekhanov, shocked by Kautsky's tolerant attitude to Bernstein, urged that a definitive break be made with the Economists. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 76.


例句 1:
Institutions in modem society are regulated by “the logic of capital” and economism. Economism is not merely an ideology guiding the formation of modern institutions, but also a “comprehensive doctrine” attemting to guide people’s pursuit of their value.

例句 2:
The “economism” of education development will easily make education go to the utilitarianism and industrialization and lose public property and humanistic idea. Under the guidance of scientific outlook of development, it is crucial to keep rational and vigilant to “economism”, and promote education to return to the real self.

例句 3:
Economism is the core content of the value system of capitalism, it ignores the people’s basic needs and the objective laws of nature when they set the economy or wealth as the ultimate goal of human pursuit. The feature of economism of emphasizing on economic rationality, worshippin





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