

字词 经济特区


special development zone


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 483.


经济特区是中国特有的称谓,是经济性特区的一类,是在改革开放后为了集中和有效地利用外国资金及技术到本国进行生产,发展贸易,繁荣经济而设置的交通条件比较优越的特别地区,在这个地区推行对外开放政策和优惠制度,是吸收外国投资、实现国际经济合作的一种方式。1979年4月30日,邓小平提出创建经济特区。1980年3月24日,中共中央命名“经济特区”。1980年8月26日,我国正式设立经济特区,第五届全国人大常委会第15次会议决定,批准国务院提出的决定在广东省的深圳、珠海、汕头和福建省厦门建立经济特区(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2610584-2756480.html)。目前又新增了重庆的两江新区、舟山新区和上海的浦东新区等,其实质含义都是经济特区类型。它的主要特点包括:在国内划出一定地区,一般选择在港口附近、交通方便的地方,以有利于货物流转,节省费用,降低成本;在对外经济活动中推行开放政策,并采用减免关税办法,吸引外资;为外商创造方便安全的投资环境,订立优惠条例和保障制度;产品以外销为主;集中管理,特区行政管理机构有权制定因地因时制宜的特区管理条例;区内企业享有相当的自主权。其特征表现在,资金以外资为主,经济结构以“三资”(外资、侨资、港澳资)企业为主,并且产品以外销为主。其经济运行机制是在国家计划指导下的市场调节为主,以发展工业为主、实行工贸结合,并相应发展旅游、房地产、金融、饮食服务等第三产业。经济特区的设立,扩大本国的对外贸易,引进更多的国外资金、技术和管理经验,增加就业机会,扩大社会就业,加快特定地区经济发展与经济开发的速度,形成新的产业结构和社会经济结构,对全国(地区)经济发展形成吸纳和辐射作用。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/2610584-2756480.html
[2] 翁定军.阶级或阶层意识中的心理因素:公平感和态度倾向[J].社会学研究,2010,(1).


1. 在中国经济特区之一的厦门工作时,他领导制定了《1985年——2000年厦门经济社会发展战略》,成为厦门此后发展规划、实施计划及经济政策制定的重要依据。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:432

1. When working in Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian and one of the special development zones in China, he took charge of drafting the Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Xiamen 1985-2000, which laid a solid foundation for the city's urban planning and future economic development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 483.

2. 他担任市金融体制改革、经济特区管理建设等领导机构负责人,研究制定了推动经济特区改革开放的一系列政策措施,积极推动厦门实现计划单列,主导协调解决了计划单列涉及的-些重大政策问题,为厦门长远发展争取了许多有利条件。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:432

2. He was put in charge of financial reform, and served as head of an administrative body of the special development zone. Under his leadership, a number of policies and measures to advance the reform and opening up of Xiamen were enacted. Xi was active in enabling Xiamen to be listed as a "city specifically designated in the state plan," which was approved and benefited the city long after he had left the province. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 483

3. 在"文革"结束后百业待兴的初期,他受命到改革开放的前沿广东担任省委第一书记,以开明开放、求真务实的作风,为广东“杀出一条血路”、“先走一步”建立经济特区以及后来的大发展作出了奠基性重要贡献。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:444-445

3. Once the Cultural Revolution had come to an end, he served as first secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, at the forefront of China's reform and opening-up drive, making an important contribution to the establishment of the special economic zones in the province and their rapid development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 494.


例句 1:
The establishment and development of special economic zones (SEZ) derive from the innovation of the basic principles of Marxism the communist party of China did, and it also enrich the theory treasury of scientific socialism.

例句 2:
The Special Economic Zone of China has been established for more than thirty years. The economic and the social has made remarkable achievements, it became a microcosm of the success of the Chinese policy of reform and opening up.

例句 3:
It is the product of the opening policy for the legislative system of the special economic zones in China.





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