

字词 基督教神学 (又作神学)

基督教神学 (又作神学)【英】

Christian theology; theology in the Christian context


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1277.
[2] via: http://gongjushu.cnki.net/refbook/BasicSearch.aspx


基督教神学是系统阐释基督教信仰的宗教学科。基督教神学最初是以新柏拉图主义作为理论基础的,它的基本特点是反理性或超理性的神秘信仰,这一特点在“三位一体”、“基督神人性”和“原罪”等教义的确立中表现得尤为明显。到了中世纪中期,安瑟伦试图在信仰与理性之间寻求同一性,从而开创了对神学教义进行逻辑证明的经院哲学之源端(赵林,1996:119)。基督教神学根据认识上帝的途径之别,有自然神学与启示神学之分。前者指运用人的天赋理性从自然世界入手而达到的对上帝的认识,后者指依靠神的特定启示而获得的对上帝的认识。一般说,强调理性作用的神学家都重视自然神学,但也不否认启示神学的独特地位,强调人性败坏的神学家则倾向于贬低或否认自然神学而只承认启示神学。在基督教神学的发展过程中,由于社会环境的变化和不同思想的影响,先后出现过观点纷繁多样的不同学派,如古代的各派教父神学和各派异端神学,中世纪的各派经院神学和各种异端神学,改革时期的路德主义、加尔文主义、茨温利主义等神学,近现代的理性主义神学、浪漫主义神学、自由主义神学、新托马斯主义神学、绝对唯心主义神学、新正统神学等。20世纪后期还出现过一些反映某些特殊旨趣的神学,如黑人神学、妇女神学、解放神学、生态神学等(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=2QeCBVJMuCncrsnKrhl1AtSWHFENA5YPeePiarbL7QwOP7wRjyngDsumgLK6JbaEa6pVF6uQ5X6kIAKi4DEZrK)。


[1] 赵林.中世纪基督教神学发展的逻辑线索[J].世界宗教研究,1996(4).
[2] 基督教神学. via:


1. 马克思认为,费尔巴哈的“伟大功绩”在于:“(1)证明了哲学不过是变成思想的并且经过思考加以阐述的宗教,不过是人的本质的异化的另一种形式和存在方式;从而,哲学同样应当受到谴责。”这里的哲学是指黑格尔的哲学,如上所述,黑格尔哲学中的那个绝对观念实际上是基督教神学中的无所不能的上帝,所以,这种唯心主义不过是另一种更加精致的宗教,用费尔巴哈的异化话语来表述,它就是上帝这一人的本质之异化的另一种哲学理论存在方式。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:254

1. Marx believed that Feuerbach’s “great achievements” were: “(1) The proof that philosophy is nothing else but religion rendered into thought and expounded by thought, i. e., another form and manner of existence of the estrangement of the essence of man; hence equally to be condemned.” The “philosophy” of which Marx writes here is Hegel’s philosophy. As we have previously discussed, the Absolute Idea in Hegel’s philosophy is actually the omnipotent God in Christian theology; therefore, Hegel’s idealism is nothing but a more refined form of religion. Expressed in terms of Feuerbach’s alienation discourse, this idealism is another philosophical theoretical form of existence of the alienation of the essence of God. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 191.

2. 在第一章开篇的“引语”中, 德波援引了费尔巴哈《基督教的本质》第二版序言里的一段话 ,核心要义是批判基督教神学语境中上帝之城的幻象取代人之真实感性生活的著名论断,德波形象而深刻地说,那是一个“符号胜过实物、副本胜过原本、表象胜过现实、现象胜过本质”的被颠倒的时代,这段剖析可谓入木三分。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:79

2. In the introductory part of Chapter 1, Debord quotes a paragraph from the Preface of the second edition of Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity, his well-known statement to criticize the substitution of man's real life by the illusion of the City of God in the Christian context. Debord points out vividly and poignantly that Feuerbach hits it at home when he analyzes the chaotic age as one which" prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to the essence." -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 121.


例句 1:
The basic doctrine of Christian theology is the faith in God while the core idea of ancient Greek philosophy is logos.

例句 2:
Plotinus is a bridge, through which Augustine and Plato are connected, the Greek thought and the Christian theology blended, and the ancient world and the middle ages are linked together even with the modern age.

例句 3:
By way of expounding the unique attitude and principle adopted by Kant towards Christian theology, the article aims at revealing the peculiar trait and significance of Kant’s philosophy.





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