

字词 现实可能性


real possibility; actual possibility


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 347, 414.




[1] 维久.可能性与现实性[M]. 辽宁人民出版社,1957.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 首先,资产阶级社会大工业以自动化体系创造出“大量的生产力”,以至于“私有制成了它们发展的桎梏”。其次,资产阶级社会大工业消灭了各民族的特殊性,特别是创造了“一个真正同整个旧世界相脱离并与之对立的阶级”,这就是无产阶级。更重要的是,“大工业不仅使工人与资本家的关系,而且使劳动本身都成为工人不堪忍受的东西”,生产力的客观发展正在直接否定资产阶级社会的生产关系。这一观点,正是马克思在第一手稿思路2里论说分工与异化的关系时对那两个客观条件的具体的历史性诠释。不过,这次从资产阶级社会走向共产主义,决不再是通过扬弃劳动异化和人的类本质的复归,而是真实的历史(经济)发展的结果,这也就是由资产阶级社会大工业自己创造出来的世界历史性生存中人类解放的现实可能性。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:445-446

1. First, the automatic system of bourgeois big industry creates “a mass of productive forces,” for which the private system became a fetter to their development. Second, bourgeois society’s big industry destroyed the peculiar individuality of the various nations, creating a proletariat class “which is really rid of all the old world and at the same time stands pitted against it.” More importantly, “big industry makes for the worker not only the relation to the capitalist, but labor itself, unbearable.” The objective development of productive forces immediately refutes the productive relations of bourgeois society. This view is a concrete, historical elucidation of the two objective conditions that Marx introduces in his discussion of the division of labor and alienated relations as part of “line of thought 2” in the first manuscript. However, this movement from bourgeois society to communism is no longer accomplished with the transcendence of the alienation of labor and the return of man’s species essence, but rather with the result of the real development of history (economics).This is the real possibility of human liberation in world historical subsistence created by bourgeois society’s big industry itself. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 347.

2. 历史辩证法永远是批判的。更重要的是,历史辩证法不再立足于观念性的价值超越,而立足于“解放的物质条件”,原来人本主义的“应有”与“现有”的矛盾在一种历史的现实可能性——“能有”中统一起来了。任何批判不再外在地对峙于现实,而只能从现实的解放可能中引导出来。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:470-471

2. Historical dialectics is always critical. More importantly, historical dialectics are not based on ideal value supersession, but rather on “liberating material conditions.” What was once the contradiction between “should” and “is” is unified in a historical, real possibility- “possible.” Critique is no longer externally pitted against reality, but rather derived from the real possibility of liberation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 369.

3. 他再一次从经济学研究中发现,资本主义生产关系中从劳动到价值、货币再到资本的过程,是劳动和劳动成果本身物化与颠倒的二次方,是“异化的异化”。而这里从主体出发指认的颠倒与物化的发生,不再是相对于人本主义类本质的“应该”,而是相对于“先有”(封建社会及以前的经济关系)与“后有”(共产主义的人类理想化生存之客观可能性),这一“先”一“后”都是一种客观存在,后者是一种客观的现实可能性。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:525-526

3. He again discovered in the study of economics that capitalist productive relations proceed from labor to value, to money, and then to capital; this is the secondary aspect of the objectification and inversion of labor and the result of labor itself, the “alienation of alienation.” The inversion and objectification that proceeds here from the subject is no longer relative to the “should” of the humanist species-essence, but is rather relative to the “past” (the economic relations of feudal society and pre-feudal society) and “future” (communism’s objective possibility of man’s idealized subsistence). This “first” and “next” both represent a kind of objective existence; the latter is an objective, actual possibility. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 414.


例句 1:
To lay emphasis on cancelling extra-budgetary revenue and expenditure is now becoming a real possibility because of years of financial management in China.

例句 2:
Transformation of higher education not only proposes new requirement on the relationship between government and university, but also provides space and real possibility.

例句 3:
As a result, based on the demonstration of value legitimacy and real possibility of constitutionalization, as well as reference to the experiences of other countries, China should construct its own provisions of environmental rights.





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