

字词 集权制




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 49.






1. 卢森堡赞扬了后来几年俄国工人阶级示威运动的“自发”性。在她看来,中央集权制“无非是工人阶级中有觉悟的和战斗的先锋队的意志的强制性综合(与它的各个集团和成员相对而言)。这也可以说是,无产阶级领导层的‘自我集中制’,是无产阶级在自己的党组织内部的多数人统治”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:44

1. Luxemburg praised the ‘spontaneous’ nature of Russian working-class demonstrations in recent years. For her, centralism ‘can be nothing but the imperative summation of the will of the enlightened and fighting vanguard of the working class as opposed to its individual groups and members. This is, so to speak, a “self-centralism” of the leading stratum of the proletariat; it is the rule of the majority within its own party organisation.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 49.

2. 甚至布兰德勒(Brandler)领导下的奥地利共产党反对派,在他们看来也是不能接受的,因为无论这一派怎样严厉批评共产国际的官僚主义集权制,它仍然赞许斯大林主义。法西斯主义的崛起和研究所迁移到美国,加剧了上述不接受的倾向。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:272

2. Even the oppositional KPO under Brandler was unacceptable to them as it still approved of Stalinism, however much it might criticise the bureaucratic centralism of the Comintern. The rise of Fascism and the emigration to the United States reinforced this tendency. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 286.

3. 中央集权制处于齐泽克称之为“错误作为真理的内在条件这一逻辑”的对立面:对齐泽克而言,关键在于错误是不可根除的。(可以表明,经典马克思主义和资产阶级思想同样地忽视了损坏它们的历史叙述逻辑的那些失败错误。)——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:113

3. Centralism stands opposed to what Zizek calls the ‘logic of the error as an internal condition of truth’: the critical point being for Zizek that the presence of error can never be eradicated. (It could be argued that both classical Marxism and bourgeois thought are equally guilty of ignoring those failures/errors that spoil the logic of their historical narrative.) -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 72.


例句 1:
This paper regards centralism as the key factor, and unifies around all above-mentioned negative factors in the modern China’s scientific technical development. Besides, combined with historical research and new achievement of the economic theory, I propose that proprietary state, the suppressing policy on polarization of wealth, and the pro-centralism ideology hindered the development of modern science and technology. And I have displayed the relation between them and relatively important degree.

例句 2:
The majority of commentators advocated that other political system into centralized system. There were some representative plans such as democratic centralization, partition centralization, joint centralization, administrative centralization with committee of congress and so on.

例句 3:
This part will analyze how Jean Bodin viewed the sove





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