

字词 雇佣劳动


wage labour


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 9) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 198, 203.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1978: 56.


无产者把劳动力作为商品出卖给资本家并提供剩余价值的劳动。亦称工资劳动。在资本主义制度下,由于工人的劳动力成为商品,他们的劳动就具有雇佣劳动的性质。劳动力成为商品和雇佣劳动的出现,是一件事的两面,两者是相关联的。雇佣劳动的出现和发展,是一个历史过程。在封建社会末期,随着简单商品经济的发展,价值规律作用的扩大,手工业者和农民等小商品生产者逐步发生两极分化。其中少数人发财致富,上升为资本家,大多数人则贫困破产,沦为雇佣工人。但当时这种分化过程比较缓慢,不能适应资本主义发展的要求,于是统治阶级便采用野蛮的暴力手段,对大量的小商品生产者进行剥夺。通过这样的资本原始积累过程,一方面使大量资本集中在少数资本家手中;另一方面使小商品生产者摆脱了人身依附关系,取得了人身自由,同时也失去了生产资料,成为一无所有的无产者,只能依靠出卖自己的劳动力来维持生活。到了18世纪后期,随着机器大工业的发展,雇佣劳动制在社会上便占了统治地位(《雇佣劳动》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9024196-9353959.html)。它区别于资本雇佣劳动,资本雇佣劳动是指物质资本主体(包括同时拥有物质资本与人力资本的双重主体)掌握企业最终控制权和剩余索取权,即企业产权,获得这两项权利即为“雇主”(《资本雇佣劳动》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/资本雇佣劳动)。


[1] 雇佣劳动.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/9024196-9353959.html
[2] 资本雇佣劳动.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/资本雇佣劳动


1. 劳动并不向来就是商品。劳动并不向来就是雇佣劳动、即自由劳动。奴隶就不是把他自己的劳动出卖给奴隶主,正如耕牛不是向农民卖工一样。奴隶连同自己的劳动一次而永远地卖给自己的主人了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》, 1961:478

1. Labour was not always a commodity. Labour was not always wage labour, that is, free labour. The slave did not sell his labour to the slave owner, any more than the ox sells its services to the peasant. The slave, together with his labour, is sold once and for all to his owner. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 203.

2. 我们分三大部分来加以说明:(1)雇佣劳动对资本的关系,工人的奴役地位,资本家的统治;(2)中等资产阶级和农民等级在现存制度下必然发生的灭亡过程;(3)欧洲各国资产者阶级在商业上受世界市场霸主英国奴役和剥削的情形。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:474

2. We shall present in three large sections: 1) the relation of wage labour to capital, the slavery of the worker, the domination of the capitalist; 2) the inevitable destruction of the middle bourgeois classes and of the peasant estate under the present system; 3) the commercial subjugation and exploitation of the bourgeois classes of the various European nations by the despot of the world market—England. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 9), 1977: 198.

3. 组织劳动!但是雇佣劳动本身已是用资产阶级方式组织劳动。没有雇佣劳动,就没有资本;没有资产阶级,就没有资产阶级社会。专门的劳动部!但是,难道财政部、商业部和公共工程部不是资产阶级的劳动部吗?——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:20

3. Organisation of labour! But wage labour, that is the existing, the bourgeois organisation of labour. Without it there is no capital, no bourgeoisie, no bourgeois society. A special Ministry of Labour! But the ministries of Finance, of Trade, of Public Works—are not these the bourgeois Ministries of Labour? -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 56.


例句 1:
With the development of commodity economy of our country, the wage labor has already become a kind of very general social phenomenon, the dispute taking place because employees cause the third person to damage while carrying out the post increases day by day too.

例句 2:
This article based on the existing basis of historical data and their predecessors, from the operational start of the Han Dynasty wage labor was a relatively comprehensive study.

例句 3:
The phenomenon of wage-labor has existed since the ancient China, and expanded widely in various sectors with the development of social economy.





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