

字词 集体行动


collective action


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 24.






1. 拉克劳和墨菲的分析接受了女性主义的“个人的即是政治的”原则,关注那些“把改造一种从从属关系中建构出主体的社会关系作为目标”的过程。这并不总是通过标准的政治途径来完成的(正如女性主义者非常了解的那样),尽管这再一次向经典马克思主义者提出了问题,因为他们的愿望是绝对地控制在社会政治空间中发生的一切事情。拉克劳和墨菲所面临的任务是“确认出那种反对不平等和挑战从属关系的集体行动得形成的话语条件”。这显然是一个左翼目标,但是拉克劳和墨菲实现这一目标的方式正在从根本上背离标准的马克思主义原则。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:38

1. Laclau and Mouffe’s analysis takes over the feminist principle of ‘the personal is political’ to concern itself with those processes ‘whose objective is the transformation of a social relation which constructs a subject in a relationship of subordination’. This need not always be done through standard political channels (as feminists are only too well aware), although that is yet again to pose a problem for classical Marxists, with their desire to exert control over absolutely everything that occurs within the socio-political space. The task that confronts Laclau and Mouffe is ‘to identify the discursive conditions for the emergence of a collective action, directed towards struggling against inequalities and challenging relations of subordination’. This is clearly a left-wing objective, but the authors’ way of going about it is beginning to depart quite radically from standard Marxist principles. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 24.

2. 即使拥有“由他们所属的社会和历史运动来确定”这样的条件,这还是造成了萨特与正统马克思主义之间的裂缝,在后者那里,阶级意识就是这样一种“超个体的整体”。集体在马克思主义中始终必须具有决定作用。这是一种最重要的阶级理论,强调个体的作用是带来——无论多么曲折迂回——自发性的幽灵和对党失去控制的担忧。另一方面,对一个存在主义者来说,辩证法不应该预先决定个体的行动,即使在集体行动的地方上,它也必须植根于个体的选择之中。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:146

2. Even with the qualification about being ‘defined by their society and historical movement’, this opens up a significant gap between Sartre and orthodox Marxism, where class consciousness is just such a ‘supra-individual ensemble’. The collective must always dominate in Marxism, which is supremely a theory of classes, and to emphasize the role of the individual is to raise, however obliquely, the spectre of spontaneism and the fear of loss of control at party level. For an existentialist, on the other hand, the dialectic must not predetermine what the individual does, and even where collective action occurs, it has to be rooted in individual choice. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 93.


例句 1:
The Internet affects the emergence and development of collective action by extending the opportunity structure and increasing the mobilization potential of collective action, as well as providing a platform of public opinion that independent of the official media.

例句 2:
We built a general framework to describe collective action following behavioral games approach. Based on the targets, the collective action can be classified into three types: group welfare direction, social welfare direction, and others’ welfare direction.

例句 3:
In view of the collective action patterns of college students in network virtual world, the key for the effective designing of the early warning system for the college students' online collective action lies in analysis of the behavior psychology foundation from the individual's preference structure and the belief characteristics. The preference structure theory provides the psychol





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