字词 | 集体化 |
释义 | 集体化【英】collectivization译文来源Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 530. 定义集体化指把个体经济变为以生产资料集体所有、共同劳动为基础的社会主义的集体经济,通常指农业方面。1930年1月5日,苏联推行农业集体化,1934年苏联政府宣布农业集体化基本实现。苏联农业集体化是通过合作社把个体的小农经济改造成为社会主义集体经济的过程,引导农民走向集体经济。俄国十月革命胜利以后,列宁依据马克思和恩格斯关于不能用力剥夺小农,必须通过示范和提供社会帮助把个体农民的私人生产和私人占有变为合作的生产和占有的思想,制订了农村社会主义改造和通过合作社吸收农民参加社会主义建设的计划(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=k7Pc-IMZLfiasnwH9Y9xqYvdBbtAQntpaMxbXXLHVN5fac-Q-ixmAK29lVPbbRSs7wgkTVPWdlVWq8Nt3yQaNq)。其主要有三种形式:(1)农业公社。生产资料与生活资料公有,实行“按需分配”,实际上是平均分配。(2)共耕社。社员在播种、中耕、收获时共同劳动,生产资料(除土地外)仍归社员私有。(3)农业劳动组合。基本生产资料为集体所有(土地属国家所有,但拨给农业劳动组合永久使用),加入劳动组合的成员从事集体劳动,实行按劳分配,同时允许农民保留一定数量的宅旁园地,经营家庭副业。20世纪50年代我国的农业集体化是继苏联之后马克思主义合作社理论在社会主义大国的又一次实践。我国的农业集体化沿着初级社—高级社—人民公社的道路由小到大逐步推进,虽然在实施过程中存在过于急躁、贪大求全、强迫命令、一平二调等问题,但总体上还是避免了苏联农业集体化时期那种剧烈的社会动荡,实现了平稳过渡(叶敏华,陈祥生,2010:68)。 定义来源[1] via: 例句1. 库拉耶夫同志具体地提出了这些问题,我认为这是正确的做法,如果不这样做,而去议论集体化的总计划,去议论有时起了很坏作用的国营农场的作用,去议论对待征购的马克思主义方法,这就意味着要使我们脱离直接的实际问题而向后倒退,去作泛泛的议论,这种议论或许也有好处,但是在颁布最重要的国家法令的苏维埃代表大会上是不会有好处的。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1986:180 1. The fact that Comrade Kurayev put these questions concretely indicates that he is on the right track; however to go over from this to arguments about the general plan of collectivisation, the role of the state farms, which sometimes play a very nasty role, and the Marxist method of approach to purchases, means dragging us away from the immediately practical affairs, back to general arguments which may be useful, but not at a Congress of Soviets which is to pass a law of supreme importance. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 530. 2. 可是,在1929年中期,苏联资本投资的拨款突然增加了5倍之多,并且作出了实行大规模农业集体化的决定。这一壮举只有一个团结的党才能实现,而在此以前的两年中,布尔什维克党内部还发生了最后一次大辩论。这次辩论是在以下两派间展开的:一派主张,在新经济政策的原则基础上发展苏联经济,其主要代表人物是布哈林;另一派主张,绝对优先增加工业生产,这就是斯大林的方针——当然,要证明这个方针有多偏激,尚待慢慢显露。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:135 2. But in the middle of 1929 the appropriation of the capital investment was suddenly increased by as much as five times and the decision taken to go for mass collectivisation of agriculture. This mammoth effort could only be achieved by a united Party and the two years preceding were occupied by the last great debate in the Bolshevik Party between those who advocated a development of the Soviet economy based on the principles of the New Economic Policy, whose leading spokesman was Bukharin, and those who put absolute priority on increasing industrial production, the policy of Stalin, although how extreme it would prove to be only became clear very slowly. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 144. 3. 老布尔什维克把农民当做异己的绊脚石,对他们仍然疑虑重重,这就很容易重新营造一种内战的和战时共产主义的政策气氛。随着农业的集体化,以发展重工业为重点的计划经济结构牢固地建立起来了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:137 3. The old Bolshevik mistrust of the peasantry as an alien barrier was still strong and it was easy to re-create the atmosphere of Civil War and War Communist policies. With the collectivization of agriculture, the framework for a planned economy with emphasis on the development of heavy industry was firmly established. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 147. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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