

字词 自我


self; I


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977:74.
[2] Id, ego and super-ego.via:


自我为西方哲学史用语。即主体。与“非我”相对。经常被用以代替灵魂或心理活动,表示在主观经验基础上的形而上学的统一性原则。它可以被认为是与自然不同的东西。“自我”一词作为表达主体的概念,各派哲学家在使用时赋予不同的含义。如理性论者笛卡儿所用的自我指理性主体,经验论者洛克所用的自我指经验主体。休谟怀疑或否认自我的存在,认为自我只是一束连续不断的知觉,像演戏一样变化不已。康德反对休谟自我观,认为先天知性范畴是人的内心的形式,即自我的形式。这种知性形式的自我,他称之为“自发的活动”、“自我的统一意识”、“纯统觉”、“先验统觉”、“统觉的综合统一性”等。费希特继承康德的自我概念,但认为他的自在之物是多余的,经验材料对形成知识没有作用,只有自我才能形成自我的认识对象即非我。他在知识学中,提出三个命题,即自我建立自我,自我建立非我,自我与非我的统一。认为自我是通过主体的自我反省而建立起来的,在认识之前先假定有一个绝对的自我,绝对自我通过理智直觉察知主体的存在,于是设定自我。自我在设定自我时,把自我作为认识对象,与认识事实不同,它是一种直觉,还没有规定,没有限制,没有间接的认识。由自我建立自我发展到由自我设定非我时就有了认识对象,有了间接性,有了自我分裂出来的限制,产生经验。这种经验是作为主体的自我所产生的,它从属于自我。在这个自我与非我之间有一个统一关系,即自我与非我的统一。谢林也使用自我这个概念,但把自我与非我看成主体与客体,并由主体与客体形成绝对。其自我的意义成为绝对中的一个方面。以后黑格尔的自我意识是绝对理性发展的一种形式,表示意识对其自身活动的考察,是意识 对自身的意识。作为自我的主动性的自我也是绝对的一种功能。自我意识是主客体的对立统一,也是自由。人的自我意识是人区别于自然物的标志。在现代西方哲学中,有些人继承休谟对自我的经验主义的观点,而有人则认为自我是对刺激作出功能性反应的统一体系,自我表现于一系列的刺激反应之中。这种观点是休谟自我理论的进一步发展。(金炳华,2003:18)




1. 改革开放是坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的必由之路,所以必须始终把改革创新精神贯彻到治国理政各个环节,不断推进我国社会主义制度自我完善和发展。公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求,所以必须在全体人民共同奋斗、经济社会发展的基础上,加紧建设对保障社会公平正义具有重大作用的制度,逐步建立社会公平保障体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:13

1. Reform and opening up is the only way leading to Chinese socialism—this is why we must always apply the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects of governance, and continuously promote the self-improvement and development of China’s socialist system. Fairness and justice are inherent requirements of Chinese socialism—this is why we must, relying on the concerted efforts of all the Chinese people and based on economic and social development, double our efforts to develop institutions that are vital to ensuring social fairness and justice, and establish in due course a system for guaranteeing social equity. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 13-14.

2. 如果埃德加尔先生把法国的平等和德国的“自我意识” 稍微比较一下,他就会发现,后一个原则按德国的方式即用抽象思维的形式所表达的东西,就是前一个原则按法国的方式即用政治和思维直观的语言所表达的东西。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:48

2. If Herr Edgar compares French equality with German “self-consciousness” for an instant, he will see that the latter principle expresses in German, i.e., in abstract thought, what the former says in French, that is, in the language of politics and of thoughtful observation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 39.

3. 换句话说,在维利看来,真正同“素朴实在论”有着真实而非虚构的一致性的唯一的认识论,就是唯物主义!当然,维利是反对唯物主义的。但是他不得不承认:阿芬那留斯在《人的世界概念》一书中,“用了一系列复杂的和部分是十分牵强的辅助概念和中介概念”(第171页)去恢复“经验”的统一、“自我”和环境的统一。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:70

3. In other words, the only theory of knowledge that is really created by an actual and not fictitious agreement with “naive realism” is, according to Willy, materialism! And Willy, of course, rejects materialism. But he is compelled to admit that Avenarius in The Human Concept of the World restores the unity of “experience”, the unity of the “self” and the environment “by means of a series of complicated and in part extremely artificial auxiliary and intermediary conceptions” (171). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 74.


例句 1:
The mission of the critique of instrumental reason is founded on an appropriate concept of the agent, one that endeavors to overcome the split in the critique of reason in early modern times and build up the unity of critical reason and the persistence of the self as agent.

例句 2:
Robert Nozick, as the representative of libertarianism, proceeded from the “self-ownership” proposition and viewed capitalist inequality as a reflection that each person is free to do as he pleases.

例句 3:
On the one hand, with a deep understanding that individuals’s self-determination and free development are the driving forces for civilization, he accepted argumentation by Epicurus for material individualism.





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