

字词 阶级社会


class society


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 74.


阶级社会是社会学中的概念,指以阶级对立为基础的、存在特权阶层的社会形态,即人类社会的生产发展到一定程度,由于剩余产品的出现,私有制的产生,逐渐结束了共同生产、平均分配的原始社会形态,产生了统治与被统治的关系。阶级社会与无阶级社会相对,无阶级社会即以生产资料公有为基础的原始社会,在原始社会中,人们共同生产、平均分配。而阶级社会则以一个阶级对另一个阶级的统治和压迫为特征。在阶级社会中,存在一个经济和政治上占支配地位的特权阶层,而且特权阶层与被统治者之间的阶层关系相对稳定,具有封闭性和非流动性,被统治者无法向上流动(《阶级社会》,via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=8ok6qIsvckNnEuECodlyiGvyaBo_8Af10QhrAhWVikpjIhSKWbPwlhAaIQ9UKbRaB-iABPsJW8uk__9N5nxKRq)。阶级社会的三种基本形态依次是奴隶社会、封建社会和资本主义社会。在奴隶社会中,奴隶主阶级统治压迫奴隶阶级;在封建社会中地主阶级奴役剥削农民阶级;在资本主义社会中,资产阶级统治剥削无产阶级。被压迫和被剥削阶级想要推翻统治阶级的统治要么诉诸于宗教,要么进行阶级斗争反抗特权阶层的统治,阶级斗争是社会发展的直接动力。社会主义社会是由阶级社会向无阶级社会过渡的社会,阶级社会不是永存的,随着生产力高度发展,阶级差别将逐步消失,阶级社会将被无阶社会所取代,进入共产主义社会(金炳华,2003:332)。


[1] 阶级社会.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=8ok6qIsvckNnEuECodlyiGvyaBo_8Af10QhrAhWVikpjIhSKWbPwlhAaIQ9UKbRaB-iABPsJW8uk__9N5nxKRq
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 罗伯斯比尔、圣茹斯特和他们的党之所以灭亡,是因为他们混淆了以真正的奴隶制为基础的古代实在论民主共和国和以被解放了的奴隶制即资产阶级社会为基础的现代唯灵论民主代议制国家。一方面,不得不以人权的形式承认和批准现代资产阶级社会,即工业的、笼罩着普遍竞争的、以自由追求私人利益为目的的、无政府的、塞满了自我异化的自然的和精神的个性的社会,另一方面又想在事后通过单个的人来取缔这个社会的各种生命表现,同时还想仿照古代的形式来建立这个社会的政治首脑,这是多么巨大的错误!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:156

1. Robespierre, Saint-Just and their party fell because they confused the ancient, realistic-democratic commonweal based on real slavery with the modern spiritualistic-democratic representative state, which is based on emancipated slavery, bourgeois society. What a terrible illusion it is to have to recognise and sanction in the rights of man modern bourgeois society, the society of industry, of universal competition, of private interest freely pursuing its aims, of anarchy, of self-estranged natural and spiritual individuality, and at the same time to want afterwards to annul the manifestations of the life of this society in particular individuals and simultaneously to want to model the political head of that society in the manner of antiquity! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 122.

2. 一个自命为马克思主义的革命作家,尤其是党员作家,必须有马克思列宁主义的知识。但是现在有些同志,却缺少马克思主义的基本观点。比如说,马克思主义的一个基本观点,就是存在决定意识,就是阶级斗争和民族斗争的客观现实决定我们的思想感情。但是我们有些同志却把这个问题弄颠倒了,说什么一切应该从“爱”出发。就说爱吧,在阶级社会里,也只有阶级的爱,但是这些同志却要追求什么超阶级的爱,抽象的爱,以及抽象的自由、抽象的真理、抽象的人性等等。这是表明这些同志是受了资产阶级的很深的影响。应该很彻底地清算这种影响,很虚心地学习马克思列宁主义。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:852

2. Anyone who considers himself a revolutionary Marxist writer, and especially any writer who is a member of the Communist Party, must have a knowledge of Marxism—Leninism. At present, however, some comrades are lacking in the basic concepts of Marxism. For instance, it is a basic Marxist concept that being determines consciousness, that the objective realities of class struggle and national struggle determine our thoughts and feelings. But some of our comrades turn this upside down and maintain that everything ought to start from “love”. Now as for love, in a class society there can be only class love; but these comrades are seeking a love transcending classes, love in the abstract and also freedom in the abstract, truth in the abstract, human nature in the abstract, etc. This shows that they have been very deeply influenced by the bourgeoisie. They should thoroughly rid themselves of this influence and modestly study Marxism-Leninism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 74.

3. 在充满冲突的历史过程中,意识形态是阶级社会的思想的基础。意识形态的表达从来不是一种纯粹的虚构,它代表了一种现实的扭曲意识,并且它同样是依次产生实际扭曲影响的真实因素。这种相互联系随着景观的来临被强化,景观—— 一种由经济生产的自动化体系的具体成功所导致的意识形态物质化——事实上,它将社会现实认同为在它自己的影像中改铸全部现实的意识形态。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:135

3. Ideology is the foundation of the thought of a class society within the conflicted course of history. Ideological entities have never been mere fictions-rather, they are a distorted consciousness of reality, and, as such, real factors retroactively producing real distorting effects; which is all the more reason why that materialization of ideology, in the form of the spectacle, which is precipitated by the concrete success of an autonomous economic system of production, results in the virtual identification with social reality itself of an ideology that manages to remold the whole of the real to its own specifications. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Ad to Zizek, 2011: 193-194.


例句 1:
Theory of Class struggle is the core of Marxist theory system. Theory of Class and Method of Class Analysis is the key to survey the major issues in class society.

例句 2:
Marxism provides a clue for us to analyze all problems in class society, which enables people to find regularity in complicated and confusing conditions. This clue is the theory of class struggle.
例句 3:
In a class society, the ideology reflects the will of the dominant class, and hence a distinct class character. Assumed to cover up the true relationship between the dominant class and the ruled class in a class society, ideology is “illusory”.





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