字词 | 马赫 |
释义 | 马赫【英】Ernst Mach译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:736. 定义马赫,奥地利物理学家和哲学家。1838年2月18日生于摩拉维亚(今捷克斯洛伐克境内),1916年2月19日卒于德国哈尔。马赫早年就读于维也纳大学,1860年以放电和电感应方面的论文获博士学位,六年后任该校物理教授。以后转入布拉格大学并长期在那里工作。他在力学、声学、热力学、实验心理学以及哲学等方面都有贡献。马赫用纹影技术研究飞行抛射体的工作最为人所熟知, 30年代末,马赫数被引入英语文献,至今已成为表征流体运动状态的重要参数。 作为一个哲学家,马赫对当时物理学的许多基本观点持怀疑态度。他在重要著作《力学》中对经典力学的时空观、运动观、物质观作了深刻的批判。他的思想对 爱因斯坦创立广义相对论起了一定的作用,而广义相对论是对经典力学基本观念的彻底革新。马赫在《力学》中对力学史的研究也作出了贡献,但他在该书中阐明了他的哲学观点,认为物体只是许多感觉 “要素”的复合。马赫主义在俄国1905年革命失败后,它在俄国社会主义工党内广泛的为修正主义分子所信奉,起了十分恶劣的作用,列宁在《唯物主义和经验批判主义》这一光辉著作中彻底揭露和批判了这一哲学流派(魏兴等,1986:1)。马赫主要的科学和哲学著作包括:《感觉的分析》(1886)、《热学原理》(1896)、《认识和谬误》(1905)、《空间和几何》(1906)、《文化和力学》(1915)以及在他逝世后出版的《物理光学原理》 (1921)(E·马赫.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/7930890-8207267.html)。 定义来源[1] 魏兴,王浩夫.列宁对马赫主义本质的揭露[J].青海师专学报,1986,(2). 例句1. 作为一位马克思主义者,列宁早年并不认为马克思主义需要一个特定的哲学组成部分。例如,列宁在1894年写的《什么是人民之友?》中说“坚持辩证法……不过是科学社会主义由以长成的那个黑格尔主义的遗迹,是黑格尔主义表达方式的遗迹罢了。”确实,认为马克思主义没有哲学内容,这是19世纪末的一个普遍看法。资产阶级批评家视之为一个可攻击的缺陷,而正统马克思主义者(例如,弗兰茨·梅林)视之为一种品性,另一些马克思主义者则企图用康德或马赫的观点来补充他们的马克思主义。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:104 1. In his early years as a Marxist, Lenin did not believe that Marxism required a specifically philosophical component. In his What the Friends of the People Are, for example, written in 1894, Lenin said that ‘insistence on dialectics ... is nothing but a relic of Hegelianism out of which scientific socialism has grown, a relic of its manner of expression’. Indeed, it was a common idea at the end of the nineteenth century that Marxism had no philosophical content. Bourgeois critics saw this as an objection, orthodox Marxists (Franz Mehring, for example), saw it as a quality, while still other Marxists tried to supplement their Marxism with the views of Kant or Mach. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 112. 2. 波格丹诺夫深受物理哲学新近发展的影响,特别是受恩斯特·马赫(Ernst Mach) 思想的影响。在19世纪末和20世纪初,科学家当中逐渐出现了一种对其上辈进行颇为肤浅的唯物主义批判的态度。这集中体现在:自道尔顿(Dalton)以来,长期认为实体的原子是基本的“宇宙之砖”的看法,改变为视原子为一团带负电荷的电子云的看法。简而言之“物质”似乎消失了。马赫在按科学发展进程作预测时,企图建构一种完全建立在感觉之上的世界观,即认为:我们称之为客观的东西(包括自我在内),只不过是以最经济而有条理的方式归类而来的各种感觉的复合体。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:104 2. Bogdanov was much influenced by the latest developments in the philosophy of physics and in particular by the ideas of Ernst Mach. Around the turn of the century there had developed among scientists a critical attitude to the rather crude materialism of their immediate predecessors. This was epitomised by the shift from Dalton's longstanding view of the solid atom as the basic building block of the world to viewing the atom as a cloud of negatively charged electrons. To put it crudely, 'matter' seemed to have disappeared. Anticipating the line of scientific advance, Mach attempted to construct a view of the world which consisted entirely in sensations: what we call objects (including the self) were merely groupings of sensations classified in the most economical and coherent manner. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 113. 3. 第二,《新时代》刊印了波格丹诺夫论“恩斯特·马赫与革命”的文章的译文,并在简短的“序言”中告诉德国读者,在孟什维克奉行斯宾诺莎与霍尔巴赫的哲学的同时,布尔什维克已把马赫哲学作为该派的思想基础。新近出版的《马克思主义哲学论文集》,作为到那时为止最大胆的马赫主义的著作(特别是就卢那察尔斯基关于“宗教无神论”的言论来看),对上述看法予以支持。这样,列宁就担心布尔什维克会被看作哲学上的修正主义者,而孟什维克则被看作正统派哲学家。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:105 3. Secondly, Die Neue Zeit printed a translation of Bogdanov’s article on Ernst Mach and the Revolution with a short preface informing the Germans that the Bolsheviks had made Mach’s philosophy of Spinoza and Holbach. The recent publication of the Essays on the Philosophy of Marxism, which constituted the most audacious publication of the Machists to date (particu1arly considering Lunacharsky’s remarks on ‘religious atheism’), gave support to this view. Thus Lenin was afraid that the Bolsheviks would be considered to be philosophical revisionists and the Mensheviks orthodox philosophers. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 113-114. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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