

字词 间接效用函数


indirect utility function


间接效用函数.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%97%B4%E6%8E%A5%E6%95%88%E7%94%A8%E5%87%BD%E6%95%B0


 间接效用函由直接效用函数而来。现有消费者的预算约束条件为Y=P1X1+P2X2+P3X3+……+PnXn ,其中Y为消费者收入,Pi为第i种商品的价格。求效用最大化时的最优解,可以得出各种商品的普通需求函数:Xi=Xi(P1P2P3……Pn,y)。它也表示在一定的价格水平下,消费者所选择的消费量。将其带入直接效用函数就得到间接效用函数U=U(P1P2P3……Pn,y)。


[1] 胡代光.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 间接效用函数.via:
[3] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.


1. 我们所采取的这种立场的正确性,已经由下面的事实间接证实:差不多在《火星报》创刊号出版的同时(1900年12月),有三个成员退出“联合会”而组成一个所谓“发起团”,并向1.《火星报》组织国外部、2.“社会民主党人”革命组织、3.“联合会”提出建议,说他们愿意充当和解谈判的中介人。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:175

1. The correctness of our position was indirectly proved by the fact that almost simultaneously with the appearance of the first issue of Iskra (December 1900) three members separated from the Union, formed the so-called “Initiators’ Group”, and offered their services: (1) to the foreign section of the Iskra organisation, (2) to the revolutionary Sotsial-Demokrat organisation, and (3) to the Union Abroad, as mediators in negotiations for reconciliation. -Quoted from Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 5), 1977: 522.

2. 蒲鲁东先生的整个辩证法是什么呢?就是用抽象的和矛盾的概念,如稀少和众多、效用和意见、一个生产者和一个消费者(两者都是自由意志的骑士)来代替使用价值和交换价值、需求和供给。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 483

2. What, then, does all M. Proudhon’s dialectic consist in? In the substitution for use value and exchange value, for supply and demand, of abstract and contradictory notions like scarcity and abundance, utility and estimation, one producer and one consumer, both of them knights of free will. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 377.

3. 从这种视角来看,自然是一个比马克思主义理论所描绘的更为复杂的现象。在马克思主义理论中,正题不可阻挡地走向反题,然后继续走向合题(充其量可能展现出由此及彼的过渡)。只要我们不作任何干涉,我们对于波动函数只有这种类型的可预测性——几乎不适用于上述支要配自然的理论。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:243

3. Viewed from this perspective, nature is a much more complicated phenomenon than it is pictured in Marxist theory, where thesis inexorably leads to antithesis and then on to synthesis (at best the passage from one to the other state may be delayed). We only have this kind of predictability with regard to the wave function as long as we leave it untouched—hardly much use to a theory concerned above all to exert domination over nature. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 155.


例句 1:
The problem of maximizing the expected utility from terminal wealth under the case of partial information is addressed . By utilizing stochastic dynamic programming , Ito' s formula, nonlinear filtering and martingale duality methods, the paper has found a new approach to solve such problem for general utility. Finally, the paper obtains solutions to the utility functions of hyperbolic absolute risk aversion Arrow_Pratt coefficients( HARA).

例句 2:
In this paper , a model of convex programming expenditures function was establish using indirect expenditures utility function , the relationship between the function, and the constrained optimization conditions . The model can be used for the theoretical analysis.

例句 3:
The flood control investment can not only change the land property, but also transform the original useless l





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