字词 | 《计划与市场问题》 |
释义 | 《计划与市场问题》【英】Issues on Plan and Market译文来源[1] Chen Yun. Selected Works of Chen Yun (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1991: 245. 定义《计划与市场问题》是陈云在酝酿还未向中央正式提出国民经济调整的情况下,于1979年3月8日撰写的一份提纲。在提纲中,陈云指出,党和国家在认识上的偏差导致社会经济出现两个后果:计划太死,只能对大路货、主要品种作计划数字,缺少必要的市场调节,结果计划与市场脱节,人民所需日用品十分单调。另一后果是忽视价值规律,没有利润概念,是“‘大少爷’办经济,不是企业家办经济。”认识的偏差在管理上造成两种不好的现象:该严的不严,基本建设战线太长,国民经济比例失调;该宽的不宽,计划权力太集中,地方财力真正机动的太少。在上述反思基础上陈云提出两个结论:第一,“整个社会主义时期必须有两种经济:计划经济部分(有计划按比例的部分)和市场调节部分(不作计划,只根据市场供求的变化进行生产,即带有盲目性调节的部分)。”这两部分的关系是:“第一部分是基本的主要的;第二部分是从属的次要的,但又是必需的”,“是有益的补充。”这一思想观点与他“主补论”中计划与市场关系“为主为补”的思想一脉相承,而且有所延续和发展,在改革起步之初曾引起人们的广泛关注。 定义来源迟爱萍.对陈云《计划与市场问题》提纲的思考—— 兼谈改革开放之初党对经济体制改革问题的探索[J]. 马克思主义研究,2009(9). 例句1. 20多年来,我们围绕建立社会主义市场经济体制这个目标,推进经济体制以及其他各方面体制改革,使我国成功实现了从高度集中的计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的伟大历史转折,实现了人民生活从温饱到小康的历史性跨越,实现了经济总量跃居世界第二的历史性飞跃,极大调动了亿万人民的积极性,极大促进了社会生产力发展,极大增强了党和国家生机活力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:94 1. Over the past two decades or so we have advanced economic and other reforms centering on the goal of establishing a socialist market economy, and realized a great historic transition from a highly centralized planned economy to a robust socialist market economy, from seclusion and semi-seclusion to all-dimensional opening up, and from a life of subsistence to one of initial prosperity. The historic leap forward by which China’s economy rose to the second place in the world has greatly increased the enthusiasm of the Chinese people, greatly boosted the development of China’s productive forces, and added great vigor to the Party and the country. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 106. 2. 科学社会主义,广义上指马克思主义的整个思想体系;狭义上的科学社会主义是马克思主义三个组成部分之一,是研究无产阶级解放运动的性质、条件和一般目的的科学。又称科学共产主义。人们通常讲的科学社会主义是指后者。创始人是马克思和恩格斯。产生于19世纪40年代。科学社会主义是一个完整的理论体系,其基本特征是:消灭私有制,实行公有制;大力发展生产力,创造极为丰富的社会物质财富;实行计划经济,消除商品生产和货币交换;实行按劳分配的原则;消灭阶级和阶级差别,国家将逐步自行消亡,变成一个自由人联合体。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:24 2. Scientific socialism, also known as scientific communism, refers to the entire thought system of Marxism in a broad sense and to one of the three major components of Marxism in a narrow sense. The latter meaning is commonly used. Founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 1840s, scientific socialism is a science that examines the nature, conditions and general purpose of the proletariat liberation movement. It mainly proposes eliminating private ownership and embracing public ownership, vigorously enhancing productivity, generating abundant social material wealth, implementing planned economy, and getting rid of commercial production and exchanges involving money. It endorses the principle of “to each according to his contribution,” and predicts that classes and class distinctions will disappear, the nation state will gradually vanish, and a community of free individuals will come into being. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 26. 3. 本文对陈云1979年3月8日撰写的《计划与市场问题》提纲进行了分析。在分析中,论述了该文献主要思想观点产生的来龙去脉,在中国共产党探索经济体制改革的理论与实践进程中所产生的作用;该文献思想观点的主要理论价值、方法论上的启示和历史局限性;以及研究该课题在总结党的历史经验方面的重要意义。 陈云 《计划与市场问题》提纲中的主要思想观点,曾对人们突破高度集中的计划经济体制的束缚,产生过广泛而深远的影响。——“对陈云《计划与市场问题》提纲的思考—— 兼谈改革开放之初党对经济体制改革问题的探索”,载于《马克思主义研究》2009年第9期第31页 3. This is a case analysis of the outline of “Issues on Plan and Market” written by Chen Yun at March 8th, 1979. It examines the main thoughts and viewpoints of that literature, as well as its function in the exploration of the economic system reform by CPC in theory and practice. This study brings the main theoretical contribution of the main thoughts and viewpoints of that literature together with its methodological enlightenment and historical limitations. This article also raises the significance of studying this subject with respect to summarizing the historical experience of CPC. The main thoughts of this literature have made a significance on breaking through the fetters of the highly-concentrated planned-economy system. -Quoted from On the Outline of “Issues on Plan and Market” by Chen Yun, 2009: 159. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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