Liberation and Reconstruction
中国五四时期刊物。半月刊,后改为月刊。1919年9月1日创刊,第3卷(1920年9月) 起,更名为《改造》。由张东荪、俞颂华、梁启超等主编,主要撰稿人有张君劢、周佛海等。其宗旨为:求社会的“不断革新”,“把人类全体做一个目标去求全人类均衡的幸福”(《解放与改造杂志宣言》)。注重宣传和介绍各种各样的社会主义流派及资产阶级的哲学、政治和社会学说,攻击马克思主义,否定唯物史观,反对社会革命。要求“从唯物主义移到精神主义”,“去马克思而返于康德”(《精神生活的改造》)。并从这一立场出发,积极参加“社会主义论战”,反对科学社会主义。共出46期,1922年停刊。(金炳华,2003:894)
《解放与改造》设社论、评坛、论说、读书录、思潮、世界观、社会实况、译述、文艺、杂载等栏目;《改造》则设社会主义讨论、政治·法律·军事、哲学、文化·教育、文学•艺术、历史、科学等栏目。刊物发表了大量宣传西方各种社会主义思潮的文章,反对科学社会主义,反对俄国十月革命,强调中国的当务之急是发展资本主义,企图把革命高潮拉到改良主义道路上去。他们的言论受到了《新青年》、《共产党》等刊物的批评,引起了关于社会主义问题的论战。该刊物保存了大量有关这方面的资料。(《解放与改造》.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v70045937.htm)
[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 《解放与改造》.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v70045937.htm
1. 然而,对于拉克劳和墨菲而言,多样性确实产生于为从极权主义和独裁主义中解放出来而进行的斗争,并且他们公开怀疑一切把20世纪末期广泛多样的民主斗争归到最高的关切(例如推翻资本主义)之下的企图。这些仍然是许多少数派左翼政党提出的观点,它们把抗议运动视为不务正业,始终把创造一种全新的社会秩序当做真正的事业。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:35
1. Nevertheless, diversity does drive the struggle for emancipation from totalitarianism and authoritarianism for Laclau and Mouffe, and they are openly sceptical of all attempts to subsume the wide range of democratic struggles found in the later twentieth century under any overarching concern (the overthrow of capitalism, for example). These are the kind of arguments still being put forward by many minority left-wing political parties, who tend to regard protest movements as digressions from the real business, which is always taken to be the creation of an entirely new social order. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 22.
例句 1:
Based on the “Liberation and reform”, “New youth”, “Socialist research” which published the guild socialism articles by Zhang Dong sun. To system descript that its development and main content. To make people have a new comprehend.
例句 2:
The Reconstruction Magazine was a major publication, which was founded during the May 4th period, formerly known as “Liberation and Reconstruction’’. It had founded in September 1919 and ceased in September 1922, a total of 46 published in four volumes.
例句 3:
In primary schools, “New Youth” with Chen Duxiu as the representative to the Marx doctrine, they advocate the Communist International as its own program; controlling the “Morning News”, the “new current affairs” and the “liberation and reform”, the new culture movement important position of the Liang Qichao school, also show th