

字词 透过现象看本质


to see the essence through the phenomena; to see through the surface into the heart of the matter


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 160.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 28.






1. 黑格尔让我们唯心主义地“透过现象看本质”!直至费尔巴哈的人本学现象学,黑格尔颠倒了的世界被再一次重新颠倒过来,在宗教神学和黑格尔的思辨唯心主义假象被剥离之后,感性的物质世界和人的生活才呈现出来,异化为圣灵的人与人的真正关系才从假象中被揭示出来。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:214

1. Hegel allows us to idealistically “see the essence through the phenomena.” Up until Feuerbach’s humanist phenomenology, Hegel’s inverted world was re-inverted time and again; only after religious theology and what Hegel refers to as speculative idealist pseudo-phenomena were peeled back could the world of sensory material and the lives of humans truly come into view. Only then could true inter-human relationships, which had been alienated into the Holy Ghost, be revealed from within the pseudo-phenomena. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 160.

2. 坚持实事求是,就要深入实际了解事物的本来面貌。要透过现象看本质,从零乱的现象中发现事物内部存在的必然联系,从客观事物存在和发展的规律出发,在实践中按照客观规律办事。坚持实事求是不是一劳永逸的,在一个时间一个地点做到了实事求是,并不等于在另外的时间另外的地点也能做到实事求是,在一个时间一个地点坚持实事求是得出的结论、取得的经验,并不等于在变化了的另外的时间另外的地点也能够适用。我们要自觉坚定实事求是的信念、增强实事求是的本领,时时处处把实事求是牢记于心、付诸于行。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:25-26

2. To seek truth from facts, we must acquire a deep understanding of a matter as it is, see through the surface into the heart of the matter, and discover the intricate link between matters amidst fragmented phenomena. We should follow objective laws on the basis that we recognize the existence of a matter and its development laws. Upholding the principle-of seeking truth from facts is not done once and for all. You may succeed by following the principle at a certain place and at a certain place, but does not mean that you may succeed again by following the principle at another place and at another time. The conclusion or experience drawn at a certain place and at a certain time does not necessarily apply at another place and at another time. We should conscientiously strengthen our conviction in seeking truth from facts and enhance our ability to apply it. We should always bear it in mind and implement it in our work. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 27-28.


例句 1:
事实上,当我们深入实质性的问题研究就能发现,在现象学的 “面向事物本身”的原则和辩证唯物主义的 “实事求是”的原则之间,在现象学的 “明证性”学说和马克思主义的 “透过现象看本质”的学说之间,在现象学揭示科学的危机、人的生存危机与历史唯物主义揭示资本主义的经济危机和人的异化之间,确实存在许多交叉之处。——“现象学与马克思主义:历史回顾与现实探讨”,载于《社会科学》2014年第1期
In fact, when our research goes deep into substantive issues, we can find that there are indeed many intersections between phenomenological principle to thing itself and Marxist principle “to seek truth from facts”, between the phenomenological teaching about “evidence” and Marxist teaching about seeing through the appearance to the essence, between the phenomenological insight about revealing crisis of science and human existence and Marxist theory about capitalist economic crisis and about alienation of human.

例句 2:
Expoloring the nature of Ideological & Political Education (IPE) is of great siginificance to the promotion of the basic theroy innovation and contemporary pratical development of IPE. However, in order to reveal and grasp the nature of IPE, it is necessary to investigate the methodology of the nature research of IPE, focusing on the nature through analyzing the phenomenon, grasping the re





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