

字词 《柏林笔记》


Berlin Notes


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 92.


《柏林笔记》是马克思1840年至1841年在柏林期间所写的关于亚里士多德(Aristotle公元前384-前322)、巴鲁赫·德·斯宾诺莎(Baruch de Spinoza,公元1632年11月24日-公元1677年2月21日)、戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646年7月1日-1716年11月14日)、大卫·休谟(David Hume,公元1711年4月26日—公元1776年8月25日)和伊曼努尔·康德(Immanuel Kant,公元1724年4月22日—公元1804年2月12日)的历史学和哲学的摘记(马克思的笔记.via:http://www.readers365.com/dushu20nian/79/80366.htm)。具体包括亚里士多德的《论灵魂》(第三册),斯宾诺莎的《神学政治论文》和《书信》,莱布尼茨的《逻辑学和形而上学》,休谟的《人性论》,罗森克兰茨的《康德哲学史》,共8册。其中,只有两本写于1840年,其余的都写于1841年。需要注意的是,马克思只在罗森克兰茨叙述、批驳、克服康德哲学的有关章节中做了一些传记性的和书评式的笔记,而没有对其中的康德哲学史中作摘录(王晓红,2009:126)。


[1] 马克思的笔记.via:http://www.readers365.com/dushu20nian/79/80366.htm
[2] 王晓红.马克思笔记写作过程新探[J].东岳论丛,2009,(2).


1. 而在1924—1932年,当包括《德意志意识形态》在内的一大批1845年以前的马克思早期论著(《青年在选择职业时的考虑》、《德谟克利特的自然哲学与伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别》及其准备材料、《波恩笔记》、《柏林笔记》和《克罗茨纳赫笔记》、《黑格尔法哲学批判》手稿与《1844年手稿》等)公开问世后,西方马克思学的学者立刻提出了一种新的理论标注:在《1844年手稿》中“新发现的马克思”,即“人道主义的马克思”是马克思学说中的最高峰(“最有价值的人学的青年马克思”);而《资本论》时期及以后的马克思则是“停滞”与“衰退”的马克思(老年马克思)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:3

1. Thus, between 1924 and 1932, when The German Ideology as well as a large number of Marx’s pre-1845 early works were published (including Reflections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession, Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature as well as literature he prepared while writing it, Bonn Notes, Berlin Notes, Kreuznach Notes, the manuscript of Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, and the 1844 Manuscripts etc. ), Western Marxologie scholars immediately began suggesting a new theoretical label. They dubbed the “newly discovered Marx,” or the “humanist Marx” found in the 1844 Manuscripts the epitome of Marxist philosophy, claiming that the humanist young Marx was the most valuable. On the other hand, to the mature Marx of Capital, they assigned such labels as stagnant and declining. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxii-xxiii.

2. 从马克思的大量笔记的内容来看,在早期,除去诗歌之类的文学笔记,主要是哲学艺术笔记,如7本《关于伊壁鸠鲁哲学的笔记》(1839)、8本《柏林笔记》(1840—1841)、5本《波恩笔记》(1842)和5本政治历史学摘录《克罗茨纳赫笔记》(1843)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:13

2. In addition to large amounts of poetry and other literary writing, the bulk of Marx’s early writings was composed of notes on philosophy and the arts, such as the seven notebooks entitled Notebooks on Epicurean Philosophy (1839), the eight notebooks composing Berlin Notes (1840-1841), the five notebooks titled Bonn Notes (1842), and the five notebooks of political history excerpts entitled Kreuznach Notes (1843). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxx.

3. 1840年以后,还有《柏林笔记》(1840—1841年,八册)和《波恩笔记》(1842年,五册)。《柏林笔记》的主要内容是关于阅读亚里士多德、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨、休谟和康德等人的著作的哲学笔记,这是马克思为打算写大学授课资格论文而准备的资料。《波恩笔记》的内容则是宗教史与艺术史的摘录,这是马克思开始参与《莱茵报》的政治评论工作有关的读书活动的记录。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:132-133

3. After 1840, there are Berlin Notes (1840-1841, eight volumes) and Bonn Notes (1842, five volumes). The Berlin Notes are primarily composed of philosophical notes written on the works of Aristotle, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, and others. These were materials gathered by Marx as he prepared to write his habilitation thesis. The Bonn Notes, on the other hand, are composed of excerpts on religious and artistic history. These are records of Marx’s reading as he began to participate in the work of political review at the Rheinische Zeitung. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 92.


例句 1:
After studying earlier works of Marx, for example, Doctoral Dissertation and the preparatory works such as Berlin Notes and Epicurean Philosophical Notes, we can easily find that Marx had profound mastery of philosophy when he was young.





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