

字词 民主监督


democratic control; democratic oversight


[1] Lenin. V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 480.
[2] Report on the Work of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, 2014. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/9efd5c41-015f-4e4c-9779-e7ed094671fd/




[1] 吴美华:参政党民主监督的内涵、功能和定位.via:http://tzb.ruc.edu.cn/index.php?_m=mod_article&_a=article_content&article_id=389
[2] 毛泽东.建国以来毛泽东文稿(第六册)[M].中央文献出版社,1992.
[3] 浦兴祖.当代中国政治制度[M].复旦大学出版社,2008.


1. 而这种更重要的东西对我们来说是绝对必要的,因为在我们俄国是根本不可能用普遍的民主监督来代替它的。如果以为无法实行真正“民主的”监督,就会使革命组织的成员成为不受监督的人,那就大错特错了。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:134

1. This is absolutely essential for us, because there can be no question of replacing it by general democratic control in Russia. It would be a great mistake to believe that the impossibility of establishing real “democratic” control renders the members of the revolutionary organisation beyond control altogether. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 480.

2. 莫雷尔维护“民主监督联合会”的纲领——和平,裁军,各个地区有权通过全民投票方式解决自己的命运问题,对外交政策实行民主监督。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:280

2. Morel defends the programme of the Union of Democratic Control—peace, disarmament, all territories to have the right of self-determination by plebiscite, and the democratic control of foreign policy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 262.

3. 而在这125年中,资本主义发展了,建立起银行、辛迪加、铁路等等,这就使工人和农民对剥削者,对地主和资本家实行真正民主监督的措施要容易和简单百倍。——《列宁全集(第三十二卷)》,202

3. And in the century and a quarter that have since elapsed, the development of capitalism, which resulted in the creation of banks, syndicates, railways and so forth, has greatly facilitated and simplified the adoption of measures of really democratic control by the workers and peasants over the exploiters, the landowners and capitalists. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 346.


例句 1:
In this paper, through the analysis of theory and practice, the use of public management theory, knowledge of political theory and logic theory, democratic current problems in supervision, made observations with a certain scientific, practical recommendations, including through greater publicity to raise awareness of democratic supervision, democratic parties to strengthen self-construction, science and promote the building of democratic oversight mechanisms to promote democratic parties in three major areas to improve oversight capacity to promote the further development of democratic supervision of the democratic parties.

例句 2:
As important aspects and content of the construction of the socialist democracy politics , it is one of the major issues with which full construction of a well-off society are faced at present in our country that how we prefect and strengthen the mechanism of democratic supervision





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