

字词 资产阶级民主制(又作资产阶级民主制度)


the bourgeois democracy; the bourgeois-democratic system; the bourgeois-democratic institution


[1] Democracy in Marxism .via:
[2] Stalin. J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4) [C]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953:68.
[3] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977:175.






1. “资产阶级的国家”我们是避免不了的。只有市侩才会在这个问题上想入非非。我国革命所以是资产阶级革命,正是因为这个革命并不是社会主义同资本主义之间的斗争,而是资本主义的两种形式之间、资本主义发展的两条道路之间、资产阶级民主制度的两种形式之间的斗争。十月党人或立宪民主党人的君主制就是孟什维克诺沃谢茨基所认为的“相对的”资产阶级“民主制”,而无产阶级-农民共和国也是资产阶级的民主制。——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:148-149

1. We cannot get rid of the “bourgeois state”.Only petty bourgeois philistines can dream of doing so. Our revolution is a bourgeois revolution precisely because the struggle going on in it is not between socialism and capitalism, but between two forms of capitalism, two paths of its development, two forms of bourgeois-democratic institutions. The monarchy of the Octobrists or the Cadets is a “relative” bourgeois “democracy”, from the point of view of the Menshevik Novosedsky. The proletarian-peasant republic, too, is a bourgeois democracy. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1977: 175.

2. 在现有一切联邦制联合中,最能代表资产阶级民主制度的是美国和瑞士的联邦。这两个国家是在历史上由许多独立国家经过邦联而形成联邦的,但是它们实际上己经变成单一制的国家,仅仅保留了联邦制的形式。从独立到单一制的整个发展过程是经过许多次的暴力、压迫和民族战争的。——《斯大林全集(第四卷)》,1953:47

2. Of all the existing federal unions, the most characteristic of the bourgeois-democratic system are the American and Swiss federations. Historically, they evolved from independent states, through confederations, into federations, but in fact they became unitary states, federalism being preserved only in form. This whole process of development--from independence to unitarism proceeded to the accompaniment of violence, oppression and national wars. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4), 1953: 68.

3. 正因为如此,苏维埃政权是新的国家组织形式,与旧的资产阶级民主制的和议会制的国家组织形式有原则上的差别,它是新的国家类型,不适合于剥削和压迫劳动群众的任务,而适合于使他们完全摆脱任何压迫和任何剥削的任务,适合于无产阶级专政的任务。——《斯大林全集(第六卷)》,1956:87

3. That is why Soviet power is a new form of state organisation different in principle from the old bourgeois democratic and parliamentary form, a new type of state, adapted not to the task of exploiting and oppressing the labouring masses, but to the task of completely emancipating them from all oppression and exploitation, to the tasks facing the dictatorship of the proletariat. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6), 1953: 123-124.


例句 1:
The North American Colonial Parliament was with the obvious limitations of class andera. However, it was the embryo of American democratic politics and laid the foundation to establish perfect bourgeois democracy in America.

例句 2:
Luxembourg not only criticized Bernstein put the emphasis on in the formof pure democracy, the neglect of the contents of the one-sided view of democracy,but also criticized Bernstein’s wrong point of view that the fate of the socialistmovement depends on the bourgeois democracy.

例句 3:
China early Republican era, the Congress brought to China’s political arena, as a symbol of bourgeois democracy.





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