

字词 后现代哲学


postmodern philosophy


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后现代哲学,是指20世纪上半叶以来哲学上的反对主体性和主体客体对立的哲学思潮。德国的尼采、海德格尔和法国的德里达等人是后现代哲学的主要代表(李鹏程,2003:114)。后现代哲学的形成与现代西方哲学中各个流派的升降沉浮密切相关。在现代西方哲学中,存在科学主义与人本主义两大潮流。科学主义思潮中的分析哲学拘泥于狭小的认识论圈子,带有从命题到命题的逻辑演绎的局限性;人本主义思潮中的存在主义过分注重人的自由任性和非理性主义。科学主义与人本主义的这些局限与弊端,使其发展由盛向衰(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1775460-1877498.html)。伴随着现象学、分析哲学的式微和存在主义、结构主义的衰落,以后结构主义和哲学解释学的兴起,后现代哲学登上当代思想舞台。后现代哲学起初以彻底否定现代哲学的面貌出现,故被称为激进性的后现代哲学,之后,在回应激进性的后现代哲学过程中,建设性的后现代哲学逐渐产生(via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/2099330/2099330.html)。后现代哲学是后现代主义思潮产生和发展的理论基础与思想核心。后现代主义思潮及其哲学作为观念形态的文化,是资本主义从自由竞争到垄断发展的产物,反映了晚期资本主义的社会经济政治形态。对于全面了解西方社会本质及其发展趋势,后现代哲学有一定的启示作用(via: http://baike.sogou.com/v7034608.htm)。但后现代哲学也有消极的一面。后现代哲学,特别是其中激进否定性的哲学流派,诉诸逆向思维分析方法,拒斥形而上学(即本体论)、反对基础主义、本质主义、理性主义的形式,否定近现代哲学中的唯物主义传统,主张继承唯心主义传统,这些价值取向是具有危害的(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%25E5%2590%258E%25E7%258E%25B0%25E4%25BB%25A3%25E5%2593%25B2%25E5%25AD%25A6)。


[1] 李鹏程.当代西方文化研究新词典[Z].吉林人民出版社,2003.
[2] 后现代哲学.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1775460-1877498.html
[3] 后现代哲学.via: http://baike.baidu.com/subview/2099330/2099330.html
[4] 后现代哲学.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v7034608.htm
[5] 后现代哲学.via:


1. 此处,一切存在的价值都转变为“处于符码霸权之下的符号交换价值”。鲍德里亚说比起马克思所看到的经济剥削来。“这种控制和支配结构更加微妙、更具极权主义”。请注意,与那些肯定性地从理论逻辑上映射这个后工业社会存在的后现代哲学家不同,鲍德里亚对这个后现代生活是持批判态度的。当然,他并非真的要否定资本主义,而是痛心于他钟爱的象征交换关系的彻底丧失。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:267

1. Here, all values are made into the “exchange-sign value under the hegemony of the code.” According to Baudrillard, it is “a structure of control and of power much more subtle and more totalitarian than that of exploitation” observed by Marx. It should be noted that unlike those post-modernist philosophers who positively reflect this post-industrial social existence, Baudrillard holds a critical attitude of it. Nevertheless, he does not mean to negate capitalism, but bemoans the complete loss of his cherished relation of symbolic exchange. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 353.

2. “后现代”科学是否存在一直是激烈争论的主题。艾伦·索卡尔(Alan Sokal)和让·布里克蒙(Jean Bricmont)——非常著名地——拒斥了“后现代科学”观念,认为我们面临的反而是一系列后现代哲学家对科学理论的全面“糟蹋”。就围绕着他们的主张所发生的争论而言,任何把马克思主义后现代化的尝试在某种程度上都必须面对索卡尔和布里克蒙的《知识欺诈》(Intellectual Impostures)。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:224

2. Whether there is any such thing as ‘postmodern’ science has been the subject of much debate. Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont have, notoriously enough, rejected the idea, arguing that what we are faced with instead is a systematic ‘abuse’ of scientific theory by an array of postmodern philosophers. Given the controversy surrounding their provocative claims, any attempt to post-modernize Marxism has to engage with Sokal and Bricmont’s Intellectual Impostures to some degree. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 143.

3. 克里斯蒂娃的早期著作被指责借助了“关于无限集的技术观念,这种观念与诗歌语言之间的相关性难以度量,尤其是在没有给出任何论证之后”;而鲍德里亚对科学术语的广泛运用则被斥为“明显的不恰当”。后现代哲学家几乎无人全身而退(德里达是一个突出的例外,因为他基本上避开了科学话语);在一个能够非常认真地对待自身的研究领域中,他们的闹剧品性常常令人耳目一新。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:224

3. Thus Kristeva’s early work is taken to task for invoking ‘technical notions concerning infinite sets, whose relevance to poetic language is difficult to fathom, especially since no argument is given’; while Baudrillard’s extensive use of scientific terms is dismissed as ‘manifestly irrelevant’. Few postmodern philosophers emerge unscathed from the exercise (Derrida being a notable exception on the grounds that he largely avoids scientific discourse), whose knockabout quality, in an area of enquiry that can take itself too seriously, is often quite refreshing. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 143.


例句 1:
The study of language from the perspective of Post-Modernism appears to he diversified and multidimensional.

例句 2:
The late 20th century, 70 the early 80s, the Western world thought that emerged in an constructive post-modern philosophy, its critique and exceed of modernity has made tremendous contributions.

例句 3:
This article is for the purpose of through historically studied into to the Jameson post-modern philosophy and the post-modern philosophy historicity to find the rational existence and special connotation of his theory, and to promulgate his theory’s value to this time and the influence of which to the contemporary philosophy survival and the development.





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