

字词 《列宁主义问题》


Problems of Leninism


[1] Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1978: 321.
[2] Вопросы ленинизма. Via:






1. 根据这些前提,斯大林在《列宁主义问题》中说到:“社会主义的最终胜利就是有免除武装干涉性的,因而就是有免除复辟行动的完全保障,因为稍微严重的复辟行动,只有在外来的重大的援助下,只有在国际资本的援助下,才有可能发生。因此,各国工人对我国革命的支援,尤其是这些工人的胜利,即使在几个国家内的胜利,是完全保障第一个获得胜利的国家免除武装干涉和复辟行动的必要条件,是保证社会主义最终胜利的必要条件。”——《斯大林全集(第十四卷)》,2015:179-180

1. On the basis of these premises Stalin stated in “Problems of Leninism” that: “The final victory of Socialism is the full guarantee against attempts at intervention, and that means against restoration, for any serious attempt at restoration can take place only with serious support from outside, only with the support of international capital. Hence the support of our revolution by the workers of all countries, and still more, the victory of the workers in at least several countries, is a necessary condition for fully guaranteeing the first victories country against attempts at intervention and restoration, a necessary condition for the final victory of Socialism,” -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 14), 1978: 321.

2. 相比之下,托洛茨基的不断革命思想,由于被说成是对俄国社会主义革命的胜利抱悲观主义态度,而被斥为“孟什维主义的变种”。斯大林曾承认,社会主义的“完全”胜利的确需要世界无产阶级的支持。但在《列宁主义问题》(1926年1月)中,他用如下的话来更有力地表达他的理论:我们指的是可能用我国内部力量来解决无产阶级和农民间的矛盾,这就是在其他国家无产者的同情和支援下,但无需其他国家无产阶级革命的预先胜利,无产阶级可能夺得政权并利用这个政权来在我国建成完全的社会主义社会。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:124-125

2. Trotsky’s idea of permanent revolution, by contrast, because of its alleged pessimism about the success of a socialist revolution in Russia, was branded as ‘a variety of Menshevism’. Stalin admitted that for the ‘complete’victory of socialism the support of the world proletariat was indeed necessary. But in Problems of Leninism (January 1926)he formulated his doctrine more forcefully as follows: We mean the possibility of solving the contradictions between the proletariat and the peasantry with the aid of the internal forces of our country, the possibility of the proletariat assuming power and using that power to build a complete socialist society in our country, with the sympathy and the support of the proletariat of other countries, but without the preliminary victory of the proletariat revolution in other countries. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx, 1998:133-134.


例句 1:
毛泽东是我们党内第一个提出党的学风问题的领导人,他深刻分析了党的学风的实质与内涵:党的学风问题实质上是我们党如何对待马克思列宁主义的问题,是一个理论联系实际的问题,关系到党的学习,党的思想方法, 党的工作态度问题。——“论毛泽东对党的学风问题的论述及其现实意义”,载于《江苏广播电视大学学报》2002年第5期
Mao Zedong is the first leader in the history of our Party who put forward the issue of Party’s study style. He penetratingly analyzed the feature and content of Party’s study style, which actually is an issue of how we deal with Marxism and Leninism, and combine theory with practice.

例句 2:
在整个20世纪,由于在对待马克思列宁主义问题上存在着严重的教条主义,因此,各国共产党人对20世纪世界历史进程的判断都发生了错误。——“对20世纪误断世界历史进程的反思—— 读史札记”,载于《当代世界社会主义问题》2000年第2期
Throughout the 20th century, all of communists in various countries, because of the dogmatic attitude to Marxism and Leninism, have drawn many wrong judgement on historical process of the world.

例句 3:
It must be pointed out that, there is something wrong in learning and understanding Leninism in Mao Zedong’s later years.





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