

字词 博爱


(universal) fraternity; (universal) love of mankind


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 485.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 147.




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 柏元海.现代西方社会博爱观批判[J].马克思主义研究,2010(4).


1. 在封建社会中王子对平民的天生高贵消失了,外在的暴力相强制也不复存在,人们不再直接地将自然血亲关系物神化。在这个布尔乔亚王国中,一切光天化日下的社会关系都是自由、平等和博爱的。齐泽克是想说,奴役和拜物教真的消失了吗?不是。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:376

1. The feudal nobility of the prince, with the external violence and coercion, disappears, people no longer fetishize directly out of the natural kinship. In this bourgeois kingdom, any social relation in the sun is of freedom, equality and universal fraternity. Zizek wants to ask the question: “does slavery and fetishism really disappear?” No. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 485.

2. 圣麦克斯就这样地“揭示”“基督教中类似古代发展的发展进程”。讲到路德以后,他就根本不下工夫去给自己的范畴命名了;他大踏步地赶到现代德国哲学,——四个同位语(“除了空虚的心灵,对人们的博爱、人的爱、自由意识、‘自我意识’之外,什么都没有。”——第34页;黑格尔,同上第228、229页),四个词填满了路德和黑格尔之间的鸿沟,而且“只有这样基督教才算完结”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:154

2. In this way Saint Max “proves” that “Christianity takes a course similar to that of antiquity”. After Luther he no longer even troubles to provide names for his categories; he hurries in seven-league boots to modern German philosophy. Four appositions (“until nothing remains but empty cordiality, all the universal love of mankind, love of mankind, consciousness of freedom, ‘self-consciousness’”, p. 34; Hegel, l.c., pp. 228, 229), four words fill the gulf between Luther and Hegel and “only thus is Christianity completed”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 147.

3. “改革报”写道:“这固然都是些动听的话,显示着一个伟大的胸怀,显示着一种同情正义事业的精神。字里行间可以清楚地感觉到一颗博爱的心在跳动。这些字句会象柏拉图的格言鼓舞伯利克里时代的希腊人似地鼓舞我们的诗人和哲学家。可是我们现在和伯利克里已相隔甚远,我们是生活在路特希尔德先生、菲尔希隆先生和杜沙特尔先生的统治时代,换言之,即金钱、本能的恐惧心理和警察三位一体的统治时代;统治着我们的是利润、特权和市近卫军。难道拉马丁先生指望着自己为人民主权和社会友爱呼吁一声,这个利益紧密交织着的同盟,这个由富豪、官僚、垄断机构组成的分离派同盟就会缴械投降吗?应该知道,无论好事还是坏事,我们世界上的一切都是相互联系着的,这个支撑着那个,没有任何事物是孤立存在的;这就说明为什么即使象马康的议员所提出的最高超的纲领,只要它带有任何垄断的胎痣(即对权利和平等的封建式的破坏),也将会象夏天的一阵香风那样逝去,象空洞的喇叭声一样沉寂下来。而且正是在目前,当政府完全处于惊恐万状的时刻,这个特权阶级的同盟就结合得特别紧密。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:392

3. "Certainly," says the Réforme, "these are high words, revealing a mighty heart, a spirit sympathising with the cause of right. The fraternal feeling is panting visibly under the cloak of words, and our poets and philosophers will be excited by them into enthusiasm similar to that produced upon Periclean Greece by the sentence of Plato. But we have not now anything to do with Pericles, we live under the reign of Messrs Rothschild, Fulchiron and Duchâtel, that is under the triple incarnation of Money, blockheaded Fear, and Police; we have for a government, profits, privilege, and the municipal guard. Now, hopes M. de Lamartine that the league of consolidated interests, that the Sonderbundb of dollars, place and monopoly, will surrender and lay down arms at his appeal to national sovereignty and social fraternity? Why, for good as for evil, all things in this world are connected—one keeps up the other, nothing is isolated—and that is the reason why the most generous programme of the deputy for Mâconc will pass like perfumed zephyrs of summer, will die like empty trumpet sounds, as long as they shall bear the motherstain of all monopoly—feudal violation of Right and of Equality. And this league of the privileged classes is particularly closely united at this very moment, when the governmental system is the prey of convulsive fear. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 365.


例句 1:
“Three-Colors: Blue, White, Red” serials are suggesting the three colors in French flag and the films explore the freedom, equality and fratenity in individual domain.

例句 2:
There are Chinese and Western views of interpretation on fraternity: one is “kindheartedness, mutual affection and love oneself” in China, and the other is more in favor of life and religious in the West. Compared with kindheartedness “fraternity” is not only wisdom of Eastern philosophy, but also Western ideological essence. 

例句 3:
Bourgeoisie have always been preaching the classless and timeless values of liberty equality and fraternity. Marx and Engels criticized from the materialist conception of history the bourgeois view of liberty,equality and fraternity and stressed that the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity came along with the capitalist mode of production, and served the interest of bourgeoisie. Their analysis is apocalyptical to the c





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