

字词 级差地租


differential rent


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998:752.






1. 如果农业资本的平均构成等于或高于社会平均资本的构成,那末,上述意义上的绝对地租,也就是既和级差地租不同,又和以真正垄断价格为基础的地租不同的地租,就会消失。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下):资本论》,1974:862.

1. If the average composition of agricultural capital were equal to, or higher than, that of the average social capital, then absolute rent —again in the sense just described — would disappear; i. e., rent which differs equally from differential rent as well as that based upon an actual monopoly price. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 752.

2. 我们曾假定,新耕种的土地,质量比最后耕种的最坏土地还要差。如果新耕种的土地较好,它就会提供级差地租。但是我们这里研究的情况,却正好是地租并不表现为级差地租。在这里,只可能有两种情况。新耕种的土地比最后耕种的土地差些,或者一样好。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下):资本论》,1974:866.

2. We have assumed that the land newly brought under cultivation is of still inferior quality than the worst previously cultivated. If it is better, it yields a differential rent. But here we are analysing precisely the case wherein rent does not appear as a differential rent. There are only two cases possible: The newly cultivated soil is either inferior to, or just as good as the previously cultivated soil. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 755-756.

3. 第一,因为在级差地租上(以及在一般地租上,因为甚至在非级差地租上,也总是会出现这样的问题:一方面,土地的肥力,和另一方面,土地的位置,是否允许这块土地的耕种能按照起调节作用的市场价格提供利润和地租),两种条件发生方向相反的作用,它们时而互相抵销,时而交替地起着决定的影响。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下):资本论》,1974:866-867.

3. First. Because in differential rent (or any rent in general, since even in the case of nondifferential rent the question always arises whether, on the one hand, the soil fertility in general, and, on the other hand, its location, admit of its cultivation at the regulating market price so as to yield a profit and rent) two conditions work in opposing directions, now cancelling one another, now alternately exerting the determining influence. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37): Capital, 1998: 756.


例句 1:
Urban macro innovation theory of differential rent was formulated under the special conditions in China.This paper reviews the latest achievements in urban development and macroeconomic theory of differential rent. Based on the previous studies,some new theoretical perspectives are put forward.

例句 2:
The economic parameter that reflects the regional difference can be summarized as the concept of macro-differential land rent, the latter meaning is the differential land income which is higher than urban absolutely land rent due to different location, size and function of city.

例句 3:
Marx's Differential Rent theory not only plays an important part in Marx's economic theory, but also gives guidance to China's real estate economy. Applying Differential Rent theory to regulate land use can ease the tension of city land use and improve the exploita





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