

字词 纪委


the commission for discipline inspection


Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 374.


纪委,又称纪检委,是“纪律检查委员会”的简称(commission for discipline inspection),属于中国共产党的纪律检查机关。纪委是纪律监察部门,不隶属于任何部门,但服从中共中央委员会领导。党的各级纪律检查委员会的主要任务是:维护党的章程和其他党内法规,检查党的路线、方针、政策和决议的执行情况,协助党的委员会加强党风建设和组织协调反腐败工作。中国共产党中央纪律检查委员会,简称中央纪委或中纪委,是中国共产党最高纪律检查机关。1949年11月根据中共中央的决定设立。1955年3月中国共产党全国代表会议决定设立中央监察委员会,代替中央纪律检查委员会。“文化大革命”开始后,党的纪律检查机关被冲垮,九大正式取消纪律检查机关。1978年12月,党的十一届三中全会决定重新设立中央纪律检查委员会,在中央委员会领导下进行工作。每届任期五年。1993年初,党的纪检机关和行政监察机关开始实行合署办公(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=bTaBORmYIwd4d4GBBu8LkIRq40vIwbb-4E9ZfA2Q_VlYWCIqcEN1cPXjZXW-r2OpHyiu94Zs87HxDH4DD-DXzq)。




1. 主要是加强党对党风廉政建设和反腐败工作统一领导,明确党委负主体责任、纪委负监督责任,制定实施切实可行的责任追究制度;健全反腐败领导体制和工作机制,改革和完善各级反腐败协调小组职能,规定查办腐败案件以上级纪委领导为主;体现强化上级纪委对下级纪委的领导,规定线索处置和案件查办在向同级党委报告的同时必须向上级纪委拫告;全面落实中央纪委向中央一级党和国家机关派驻纪检机构,改进中央和省区市巡视制度,做到对地方、部门、企事业单位全覆盖。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:83

1. The main points are: strengthening the Party’s unified leadership to build a clean and honest government and combat corruption; ensuring that Party committees bear primary responsibility and the commissions for discipline inspection take the responsibility for oversight, and working out and implementing a feasible accountability system; improving the leading and working mechanisms for anti-corruption efforts, reforming and improving the functions of anti-corruption coordination groups at all levels, and leaving the investigation of corruption cases mainly to commissions for discipline inspection of higher levels; strengthening the leadership role of the higher levels over the lower levels of the discipline inspection commissions, and the simultaneous reporting of the related investigation process to the Party committee at the same level and the commission for discipline inspection at the next-higher level; and fully ensuring that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatches resident discipline inspection agencies to the central-level departments of the Party and the government, and improving the discipline inspection system at both the central and local levels, so that it covers all regions, all sectors, all enterprises and all public institutions. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 93.

2. 2013年,党中央高度重视党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,中央纪委按照党中央决策部署,在强化党的纪律特别是政治纪律约束、强化执纪监督、强化查办腐败案件等方面攒紧拳头打出去,形成了鲜明的工作特点。经过各级党委、政府和纪检监察机关共同努力,党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争取得了新进展。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:393

2. In 2013 the CPC Central Committee made it a priority to improve Party conduct, uphold integrity and combat corruption. In compliance with the decisions and plans made by the Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has fought firmly against corruption by strengthening Party discipline, especially by reinforcing political discipline,enhancing oversight of enforcement, and improving investigation into and prosecution of corruption cases. Through the concerted efforts of Party committees, governments, discipline inspection commissions and supervisory agencies at all levels, progress has been made in improving Party conduct, ensuring clean government and combating corruption. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 436.

3. 要以深化改革推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,改革党的纪律检査体制,完善反腐败体制机制,增强权力制约和监督效果,保证各级纪委监督权的相对独立性和权威性。要强化制约,科学配置权力,形成科学的权力结构和运行机制。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:395

3. We must improve Party conduct, uphold integrity and combat corruption through further reform. We must reform the Party's discipline inspection system, improve the system and mechanisms for combating corruption, double the effectiveness of oversight over and restraint on power, and ensure the independence and authority of discipline inspection commissions at all levels. We must improve checks on power, distribute power in a scientific way, and form an effective framework for the exercise of power. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 438-439.


例句 1:
Strengthening conduct and ethical governance of the CPC and fighting against corruption require the implementation of inspection and supervision responsibility of CPC Commissions of Discipline Inspection in minute details.

例句 2:
In the current anti-corruption and building an honest and clean party style and government, the job and duty have to be focused on, and the party commission for discipline inspection has to transform its work style and function, and engage in supervision, discipline implementation and accountability, to realize the responsibility pursue mechanism.

例句 3:
Under the background of the CPC central committee pushing forward firmly the task of enforcing the strict Party discipline comprehensively and extending the effort to its grass-roots organizations and units, the supervisory role of the second-level discipline inspection commission under the colligate Party committee must be strengthened.





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