

字词 华南人民抗日游击队


Southern China People’s Counter-Japanese Guerrilla Force






[1] 朱姝璇.华南人民抗日游击队的地位作用[J].军事历史,2015(3).
[2] 冯鉴川.华南抗日纵队的建立及其历史贡献[J].华南师范大学学报社会科学版,1985(3).


1. 为了胜利地进行今天的抗日战争,扩大和巩固八路军、新四军和一切我党所领导的游击队,是非常重要的。再次原则上,党应该派遣最好的和足够数量的党员和干部上前线。一切为了前线的胜利,组织任务须服从于政治任务。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1960:549

1. In order to carry the present War of Resistance Against Japan to victory, it is extremely important to expand and consolidate the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and all the guerrilla forces led by our Party. Acting on this principle, the Party should dispatch a sufficient number of its best members and cadres to the front. Everything must serve victory at the front, and the organizational task must be subordinated to the political task. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 226-227.

2. 党在国民党区域的工作,有了很大的成绩,这表现在各个大城市争取了广大的工人、学生、教员、教授、文化人、市民和民族资本家站在我党方面,争取了一切民主党派、人民团体站在我党方面,抗拒了国民党的压迫,使国民党完全陷于孤立。在南方几个大区域内(闽粤赣边区,湘粤赣边区,粤桂边区,桂滇边区,云南南部。皖浙赣边区和浙江东部南部)建立了游击战争的根据地,使这些地区的游击部队发展到了三万余人。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1960:1344

2. The Party’s work in the Kuomintang areas has been crowned with tremendous success. This can be seen from the fact that in the big cities we have won over to the side of our Party the broad masses of workers, students, teachers, professors, cultural workers, ordinary residents and national capitalists as well as all the democratic parties and people’s organizations, and have thus resisted Kuomintang oppression and completely isolated the Kuomintang. In several large areas in the south (the Fukien-Kwangtung-Kiangsi, the Hunan-Kwangtung-Kiangsi, the Kwangtung-Kwangsi and the Kwangsi-Yunnan border areas, southern Yunnan, the Anhwei-Chekiang-Kiangsi border area and eastern and southern Chekiang), bases for guerrilla warfare have been established, and their guerrilla forces have grown to more than 30,000. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1965: 271.

3. 在政治上,我们的“坚持华北抗战”的方针,打击了敌人“以华制华,以战养战”的方针。我们严重地打击了敌人的爪牙,打坍了晋东南、冀南广大地区的维持会及为敌利用的封建组织,如会门、自卫团、联庄会等,建立了广大地区的抗日政府;消灭了六七万皇协军及伪化了的土匪会门等封建武装,普遍成立了抗日游击队,发展了正规军数倍;进行了广泛而深入抗日宣传和民族教育,激发了人民的抗日积极性,打击了敌人“招回流亡,恢复治安”的欺骗人民的诡计;游击队不断地在铁路两侧的活动,相当程度上打击了敌人的护路计划。——《邓小平文选》,1994:34

3. Politically, through our policy of “persisting in armed resistance in north China”, we foiled the enemy’s policy of “using Chinese to subdue Chinese and sustaining the war by means of war”. We struck hard at the enemy’s lackeys, crushed the “associations for the preservation of order” in the vast areas of southeastern Shanxi and southern Hebei, and the feudal organizations utilized by the enemy, such as secret societies, self-defence corps and joint village associations, and established anti-Japanese governments in many areas. We also wiped out sixty to seventy thousand men of the Imperial Army's assistant forces and feudalistic armed forces of bandits and secret societies that had become puppets of the Japanese aggressors, established anti-Japanese guerrilla forces everywhere, and increased the regular armed forces by several times. We conducted, both extensively and intensively, propaganda and education for resisting Japan and saving the nation, arousing the people's enthusiasm for resistance to Japanese aggression and thwarting the enemy’s ploy of “calling back the displaced refugees and restoring public order”, designed to deceive the people. Incessant guerrilla operations on both sides of the railways crippled, to a considerable degree, the enemy’s scheme of protecting the railways. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1995: 45.


例句 1:
抗战初期 ,国共两党都派出部队转入敌后,开展抗日游击战争。——“国共抗日游击战争之比较”,载于《许昌师专学报》2002年第3期
In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War both KMT and CPC dispatched armies to enemy’s rear area to carry out Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Wars.

例句 2:
他论述了抗日游击战争的战略地位和战略作用,论述了抗日游击队的建设和有关战略战术原则,论述了抗日游击战争的根据地问题。——“刘少奇对抗日游击战争理论的贡献”,载于《东北师大学报 (哲学社会科学版)》2001年第2期
He not only discussed the strategic position and the role of the guerrilla war, expounding the construction of guerrilla forces and its tactic principle but talked much about the base area of the guerrilla war.

例句 3:
He himself, as he advocated, not only penetrated far behind enemy lines and directed the advance of the guerrilla war against Japan in both North and Central China, but discussed brilliantly from different aspects a number of theoretical issues concerning the guerrilla war as well, which greatly enriched and enhanced Mao Zedong’s theory on the guerrilla war against Japan.





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