

字词 情欲论


theory of love desire








1. 情欲产生于紧张,而紧张状态是阶级社会所特有的流行病。如果这种紧张可以缓解,那么死的本能力量也必定能够减弱。抑制死的本能和增进爱欲,只有在提倡多方式的性满足和普遍的“里比多”(性)释放的社会中才能达到。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:281

1. Desire was produced by tension and tension was endemic to class society. If this tension could be reduced, then so would the power of the death instinct. The limitation of the death instinct and the enhancement of Eros could be achieved only in a society which encouraged polymorphous sexual gratification and widespread libidinal release. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 295-296.

2. 因此,安静一点,可爱的灵魂,对于叛乱的肉体,精神很快就会占上风的,并会在横溢沸腾的情欲面前立下一道不可逾越的“铁门槛”,情欲“碰到它”立刻就会“头破血流”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:100

2. Therefore—hush, sweet soul, the spirit will soon prevail over the rebellious flesh and set an insurmountable “barrier” to the overflowing, seething lusts, “against which” they will soon deal themselves a “mortal blow”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 105.

3. 这样,真理这一怪影在这里不仅变成了展现自己并上升到统一的人,而且这种戏法是在真理之外,正如绦虫一样,是在某种第三者体内进行的。关于这位圣者还在青年时代当内心里还沸腾着情欲的时候和真理发生的恋爱关系,参看“神圣家族”第115页及以下各页。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:98

3. Thus, we have here not only truth, this spectre, transformed into a person which develops itself and reaches unity, but in addition this trick is accomplished in a third personality outside it, after the manner of the tapeworm. Concerning the holy man’s former love affair with truth, when he was still young and the lusts of the flesh still strong in him—see Die heilige Familie, p. 115 et seq. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 103.


例句 1:
The fourth chapter discusses the theory of life value, including the theory of desire and Quanzhen. Early Quanzhen sect thinks that desire covers True Xing and is the reason of sin and samsara, so everyone should remove all secular desire. The pursuit of Quanzhen to be immortal is spiritual transcendence and self-relief. The approach is to become a monk.

例句 2:
With the wanton desire expansions who were in power, they carried out the black magic witchcraft not to bless their own but curse other people which made original society more crazy and sick. In a sense. the devoided of their humanity. Furthermore, Liu Song clan chaoses were caused by emperors with witchcraft beliefs. It is obvious that Confucianism also would make it reconstruct. Liu Yu was worshiped by his heirs who believed in his classical stories, and his characters have profound impacts on them. Liu Song carried out the old systems which made royalties to be in power





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