

字词 生产力发展水平


the level of the development of the productive forces


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 371.


人们在生产过程中征服与改造自然的能力所达到的程度。生产力是由劳动者、劳动对象、劳动资料诸要素有机地组合而成的物质力量。生产力发展水平取决于诸要素各自的数量、质量和结合形式的先进程度。劳动者素质高,劳动对象质量较优,劳动资料较先进,诸要素的组合形式较先进,生产力发展水平就较高。生产力的发展是一个从低级到高级的过程。在不同的发展阶段,生产力诸要素及其组合形式具有质的差别,在同一阶段,生产力诸要素及其组合形式存在着发展程度上的量的差别。生产力的发展水平常常被用来作为研究生产关系及其具体形式、经济制度或经济体制的指标。社会主义制度下的改革,强调生产关系的具体形式与生产力的要求相适应,就是从生产力发展的同一阶段的量的区别方面来考察 生产力发展水平与经济体制的关系。相应地,人们总是用生产力发展水平提高的速度来检验一种经济制度或具体的经济体制的优劣(孙钱章,1990:103)。一般来讲,生产工具是我们判断一个社会生产力发展水平、认识该社会经济形态的重要标志(甄尽忠,2008:40-41)。马克思主义认为:生产关系的变革,归根结底是由生产力的发展水平决定的(晓亮等,1979:100)。不同的的生产力水平下各业之间形成了不同的结构,而各业之间的构成则在一定程度上反映了生产力的发展水平。生产力发展水平的高与低,对于产业结构有着重要的影响(于德运,1999:102-103)。


[1] 孙钱章. 实用领导科学大辞典[Z].山东人民出版社,1990.
[2] 甄尽忠.先秦社会救助思想研究[M].中州古籍出版社,2008.
[3] 晓亮,戎文佐.生产专业化和协作[M].轻工业出版社,1979.
[4] 于德运.吉林省农业产业结构调整问题研究[M].吉林人民出版社,1999.


1. 然而,在东欧的苏联式社会里,它们的专制主义水平事实上在目前生产力发展水平上如此缺乏效率;它们对自己的公民如此缺乏吸引力,这一切都无异于表明了这种马克思主义的终结。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:358

1. Nevertheless, the level of authoritarianism in the East European Soviet societies, the fact that they were so much less efficient at the present level of the development of the productive forces and the fact that they were less (as far as one can gather) desirable in terms of their own citizens, have spelt the end of this form of Marxism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 371.

2. 同时,马克思还告诉马尔萨斯,他认为后者没有看到,“这些规律由于是人类本性的历史,所以是自然的规律,但仅仅是在一定生产力发展水平的一定历史发展阶段上的人的自然规律,而这种生产力的发展水平则是受人类本身历史过程制约的”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:233

2. Marx also tells Malthus that these laws are “indeed the history of the nature of man, his natural laws. But they are the natural laws of man only at a certain level of historical development, corresponding to a certain level of development of the productive forces which is determined by his own historical process.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 312.

3. 马克思甚至以奴隶制的好与坏为例,说明了一定的生产关系的历史合理性和必然性。其实,这也意味着即使资产阶级社会生产方式是不合理(“坏”)的,但这也正是由特定的生产力发展水平必然造成的!——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:467

3. Using the good and evil of the system of slavery as an example, Marx explains the historical rationality and necessity of certain relations of production. This also implies that even if bourgeois society’s modes of production are not reasonable (“evil”), they are necessarily caused by certain levels of development of productive forces. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 366.


例句 1:
This means we have to solve the aged problem with the lower productivity power and lower per capita income. The traditional family and ongoing social financial support for elderly in China is both facing serious test for the serious problems such as population aging, huge elderly funding deficit and the intrinsic defects in elderly security system.

例句 2:
System is always built on a realistic basis, from the productivity decision, different forms by the different nature of production resources. It is in line with the level of development of a certain stage of productivity and social interaction practice.

例句 3:
The main people’s livelihood problems include the following parts: the difficulties of obtaining necessary education; the difficulties of getting appropriate job; the difficulties of obtaining necessary medical treatment; the difficulties of acquiring a ggood old age life; the difficulties of obtaining e





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