

字词 生产性和非生产性消费


productive and unproductive consumption


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1956: 223.






1. “仆役的工资,凡不是为了产品、不是为了借助一物品而生产另一等价物的消费,都是非生产性消费。”(第240页)“生产性消费本身是一种手段,即生产手段;非生产性消费不是手段,而是目的;是通过消费得到的享受,是消费前的一切活动的动机。”(第241页)——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:31

1. “The wages” given to a “footman” and “all consumption, which does not take place to the end that something, which may be an equivalent for it, may be produced by means of it, is unproductive consumption”. Pp. 179, 180 (p. 240). “Productive consumption is itself a means; it is a mean to production. Unproductive consumption [...] is not a means.” It “is the end. This or the enjoyment which is involved in it, is the good which constituted the motive to all the operations by which it was preceded.” P. 180 (p. 241). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1956: 223.

2. “一国的生产力在一年中所创造的全部东西构成年总产品。其中绝大部分用于补偿消费掉的资本。总产品中补偿资本以后剩余的部分构成纯产品;它只作为资本的利润或地租进行分配。”(第242—243页)“它是一种基金,国民资本的一切追加部分通常都来源于这种基金。”(第243页)与生产性消费和非生产性消费相应的是生产性劳动和非生产性劳动。(第244页)——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:32

2. “The whole of what the productive powers of the country have brought into existence in the course of a year, is called the gross annual produce. Of this the greater part is required to replace the capital which has been consumed [....] What remains of the gross produce, after replacing the capital which has been consumed, is called the net produce; and is always distributed either as profits of stock, or as rent.” Pp. 181, 182 (pp. 242, 243). “This net produce is the fund from which all addition to the national capital is commonly made.” (loc. cit.) “... the two species of consumption” are matched by “the two species of labour, productive and unproductive....” P. 182 (p. 244). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1956: 223.

3. 仅仅供享乐的、不活动的和挥霍的财富的规定在于:享受这种财富的人,一方面,仅仅作为短暂的、恣意放纵的个人而行动,并且把别人的奴隶劳动、人的血汗看作自己的贪欲的虏获物,因而把人本身——因而也把他本身——看作毫无价值的牺牲品(而且,对人的蔑视,部分地表现为对那可以维持成百人生活的东西的恣意挥霍,部分地表现为一种卑鄙的幻想,即仿佛他的无节制的挥霍浪费和放纵无度的非生产性消费决定着别人的劳动,从而决定着别人的生存);他把人的本质力量的实现,仅仅看作自己放纵的欲望、古怪的癖好和离奇的念头的实现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:141

3. There is a form of inactive, extravagant wealth given over wholly to pleasure, the enjoyer of which on the one hand behaves as a mere ephemeral individual frantically spending himself to no purpose, and also regards the slave-labour of others (human sweat and blood) as the prey of his cupidity. He therefore knows man himself, and hence also his own self, as a sacrificed and futile being. With such wealth contempt of man makes its appearance, partly as arrogance and as squandering of what can give sustenance to a hundred human lives, and partly as the infamous illusion that his own unbridled extravagance and ceaseless, unproductive consumption is the condition of the other's labour and therefore of his subsistence. He regards the realisation of the essential powers of man only as the realisation of his own excesses, his whims and capricious, bizarre notions. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1956: 314-315.


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